RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.PWA

Bandwidth efficient, simplified client built with Angular.
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Upgraded Code Base to 2x #13

Closed InsaneNaman closed 7 years ago

InsaneNaman commented 7 years ago

Upgraded the all the src file to 2x version.

geekgonecrazy commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Will give this a try! Thanks for opening the PR! :smile:

InsaneNaman commented 7 years ago

Your welcome sir . Waiting for your feedback. :smile: and yeah i'll create another PR as soon as i remove all the warnings and if i find any bug .

karlprieb commented 7 years ago

@InsaneNaman I cant make the bundled build. There is some special step on the build that I need to do?

InsaneNaman commented 7 years ago

@karlprieb as far as i know . No there is not such special step but i think so 1-You will need to update your polymer-cli ( as mentioned in their latest documentation using this command :

npm update polymer-cli@next

2-bower install

3-polymer build

4-polymer serve

Please do let me know if it's working or not

Sing-Li commented 7 years ago

@InsaneNaman - any chance of fixing the build warnings? Can you explain what causes them? TIA

warn:    Unable to optimize .js file /Users/sam/dev/github/Rocket.Chat.PWA/src/rk-room-view.html_script_0.js 
{ err: 
   { message: 'Unexpected token: name (tp)',
     filename: 0,
     line: 12,
     col: 12,
     pos: 231 } }
warn:    Unable to optimize .js file /Users/sam/dev/github/Rocket.Chat.PWA/src/rk-events-core.html_script_0.js 
{ err: 
   { message: 'Unexpected token: operator (>)',
     filename: 0,
     line: 58,
     col: 48,
     pos: 1380 } }
info:    Build complete!

In addition, can you hook it up to a live Rocket.Chat server instance (and actually fetch and display the fetched messages) ?

InsaneNaman commented 7 years ago

@Sing-Li Sir , though in my PR there are some warnings(and most of the warnings are indentation type and unused variable/methods ,that i didn't remove because i thought we can use it in future ) but i am not getting this type of build error anywhere :( . I just once again did a build of your official repo and the final PR that i sent but in both cases i am not getting any of these error. I am attaching the screenshot . and just by looking at your ss i only can say there is extra unnecessary token is present in the 0.js file that polymer made itself.

screenshot from 2017-03-18 21-37-46 screenshot from 2017-03-18 21-27-59

So please can you tell me more about this build error. And yeah i can hook it up to a live server just please provide me some documentation and other useful links . I would be happy to do that.

InsaneNaman commented 7 years ago

I would suggest you to please once again update your polymer cli using (if you haven't done ) npm update polymer-cli@next and if required bower and npm too. :smile:

because this error may be occurring due to any outdated dependency .

Sing-Li commented 7 years ago

@InsaneNaman -- see this line ... this is how to hookup a live instance of Rocket.Chat server ...

You can get that going while we figure out how to build your PR.

InsaneNaman commented 7 years ago

Sure sir , do let me know if you need any help from my side in building my PR. And i look over the web hook stuff . Give me some time to go through the link.