RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.PWA

Bandwidth efficient, simplified client built with Angular.
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Can we implement a message notification feature? #14

Open SahSih opened 7 years ago

SahSih commented 7 years ago

I have done one notification web application base on Firebase and service worker. I am thinking if we can develop this feature on As a chat app, notification is a really helpful feature. What do you guys think about this feature?

InsaneNaman commented 7 years ago

Hello @SahSih, Welcome to Rocket.Chat . If i am not wrong you are talking about web notification or push notification and yes we can implement but the current app is built on top of Polymer 2 and we are thinking to re-build from scratch using Angular 4. So,for now it won't worth much if you contribute to current app but in future every contribution from your side will help us a lot. Repo will be updated as soon as gsoc starts. So keep checking for latest updates. 😄

PS:Feel Free to look our other projects and to ask question here or over there.Also, join our community at 😄.

ajayns commented 7 years ago

Yes @SahSih, but as @InsaneNaman said, this repo is no longer maintained as we shift to Angular for a PWA.

SahSih commented 7 years ago

@InsaneNaman @ajayns I see, thanks for you guys help! ^_^

InsaneNaman commented 7 years ago

😄 @SahSih Your most welcome buddy. Looking forward to catch you at our community

Sing-Li commented 7 years ago

@SahSih - @InsaneNaman and @ajayns are correct!

But the shift to Angular may happen very very soon, perhaps even before GSoC official results - with a surprise learning and professional development opportunity for everyone involved. Please keep an eye out on this repository (and the community) !

InsaneNaman commented 7 years ago

That's great @Sing-Li sir 😄

SahSih commented 7 years ago

@ajayns @Sing-Li @InsaneNaman Thanks for you guys response!