RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.RaspberryPi

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No buildpath available for Raspberry pi 4 #57

Open BigMike972 opened 2 months ago

BigMike972 commented 2 months ago

I have a Raspberry Pi 4b, and at current there appears to be no path to install rocketchat-server on it.

I've attempted the snap but it shows that avx and avx2 are not supported by the Pi, I've also attempted following the instructions to install with docker, but it also confirms the same issue, no currently supported version of mongodb will run on the raspberry pi 4.

This has killed this entire repo as I cannot see another path forward for this. If I'm missing something, please advise.

Best regards, Mike

BigMike972 commented 2 months ago
WARNING: MongoDB requires ARMv8.2-A or higher, and your current system does not appear to implement any of the common features for that! 
applies to all versions ≥5.0, any of 4.4 ≥4.4.19

Oldest supported version of mongodb is 4.4.29

Also, from the snap install attempt:

error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Run install hook of "rocketchat-server" snap if present (run hook "install": [ERROR] Your cpu does not support avx or avx2 instructions, which is required to run mongo 5.x, shipped with the next version of this snap.)
k-ahn2 commented 2 months ago

This is correct to the best of my knowledge.

There is a suggestion in this thread that it's possible to override the snap Mongo version to a lower Pi compatible version, however, it's unclear if this is tested. Several attempts have been made to contact the person suggesting it.

Otherwise i've found the complete lack of communications and responses on the matter really poor. Running on a Pi is publicised yet this entire user base has been discarded seemingly without second thought. I know it's free and i'm grateful for the years of use, but this is still really disappointing.

So it's the same from me - if i'm missing something please advise