RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.ReactNative

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Server error occur, contact administrator” when disable webauthn register & passwordless #5693

Open p39e opened 1 month ago

p39e commented 1 month ago

Hello everyone, we have a problem that is so complicated, namely when we turn off the “Webauthn Register / passwordless” feature it appears error “Server error occurred, contact administrator”, we deliberately turned off the feature because if the feature is active the error appears “Security key registration result is invalid. WebAuthn is not supported by this browser. Try another one or contact your administrator.” is there anyone here who has the same problem? please help us, thank you. Screenshot_3 image

diegolmello commented 3 weeks ago

Can you follow issue template, please? There's a lot of information missing that I could ask, but it's easier to just follow it. Thanks!