RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.iOS

Legacy mobile Rocket.Chat client in Swift for iOS
MIT License
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[QUESTION] How to log in without SSL #1843

Closed CH1PSET1 closed 5 years ago

CH1PSET1 commented 6 years ago

Please tell me why I can not connect to my server without SSL from the Rocket.Chat + for ios application? And there is a choice for andorid.

  1. When connecting from iphone to, chats are not downloaded and the eternal download hangs from above. (loading).

  2. I have Ip thrown through mikrotik, but I can throw only http, if I put SSL, can I also connect via http but with SSL or what should I do in this situation?

Sameesunkaria commented 6 years ago


Currently, some of the code related to connecting with the server automatically assumes that you can connect over HTTPS and exclusively uses it even if you entered an HTTP url. If you want to, you can make changes to the code to work with HTTP (search for all HTTPS string in the app), but it is definitely not recommended, due to the security implications it has.

As for the other two points, I'm not completely sure what you're trying to say. A little more context would be helpful.

breezeeluo commented 6 years ago

make changes to the code to work with HTTP (search for all HTTPS string in the app),make sure url = IP:3000/url else; or make sure the port of server is 80;

Sameesunkaria commented 6 years ago

@CH1PSET1 and replace wss with ws.

CH1PSET1 commented 6 years ago

And how can I make changes to the application?

Sameesunkaria commented 6 years ago

@CH1PSET1 clone the repository and open up the project in Xcode. (don't forget to pod install)

I am assuming that you have some experience with iOS dev. If not let me know.

rafaelks commented 5 years ago

Closing this one for now.

stephensworld commented 5 years ago

Hey, we would like to use this great tool in hamnet. Hamnet is a amateur radio ip network in the subnet. We do not have any trusted certificates. So for us it would be great to have a possibility to connect unsecure without ssl. Is it possible to implement this? If it is a security reason maybe you can allow this if the destination server is in subnet. Maybe you can reopen this ticket? Thank you very much. Stephan

reetp commented 5 years ago

Hey, we would like to use this great tool in hamnet.

Are you talking about Rocketchat in general or the iOS app ?

This particular issue is for the iOS and app specifically and I don't believe this will change so it will not be reopened.

If you are talking about Rocketchat in general then yes you can still use http if you really must.

The main repo for Issues is here but note this is to report bugs, not for help/setup.

There is documentation here

For general help you can ask in the forums or come and chat at #support