RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.iOS

Legacy mobile Rocket.Chat client in Swift for iOS
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[SUPPORT] Channel icons missing in iOS app #2393

Open rusty1281 opened 5 years ago

rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

Before I continue I have to say that I love the app and we are using 2 separate chat servers with this platform. Also no problem on the web and desktop end, just a small problem on the mobile side.

Now I am reporting this primarly as a ios problem, but users of Android OS are also reporing the same.

The problem is that the channel icons are not visible (the letters), just a small place holder on the bottom of the icon. Uploaded user avatars are visible just fine.

Is this a client side or server side problem? Again the web and desktop app display the letters and avatars just fine.

Thank you in advance for any info on the matter.

rafaelks commented 5 years ago

@rusty1281 Thank you! :-)

Do you have a screenshot showing the avatars so we can take a look please?

rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

Hello @rafaelks. Here it is

geekgonecrazy commented 5 years ago

What deployment method are you using? Happen to have deployed snap on raspberry pi?

rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

Docker official image

rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

Hi there... any info on the matter?


rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

Hi there. New update from today still didn’t fix this problem... just bumping a bit.


litewhatever commented 5 years ago

Seeing same issue, deployed via Docker official image.

rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

Just bummping this matter a bit? Is there any chance that this might get fixed in an upcoming version 0.73? Or is this an iOS problem?

rafaelks commented 5 years ago

@rusty1281 This is not an iOS client problem; this is a back-end problem.

rafaelks commented 5 years ago

@rusty1281 Is your server missing some font?

rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

Truth be told I did change the font since day 1, could that be the problem with this? If so where should I put the font to be used by this docker image?


anthonylavado commented 5 years ago

Is this fixed by #2620? We have the same issue on our server.

rafaelks commented 5 years ago

@anthonylavado @rusty1281 Have you guys tried using iOS 3.4 on the App Store today?

rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

Icons are visible but they were also visible before today’s update. Guessing with latest server side update.

rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

Still seeing filter and search problem tho

Shyru commented 5 years ago

We also have this issue, and have deployed via the docker official image. (We are currently on Version 1.2.1) and both Rocket.Chat and Rocket.Chat Experimental with the newest versions show this issue. This is really bugging us and keeping us from deploying company-wide for all users. @rusty1281 If this is a server issue, how can this be fixed?

rusty1281 commented 5 years ago

@Shyru - have to say that this was at one point fixed for me. Not sure was it the iOS side update or server side (pretty sure its server side) fix, but atm (for the past 2-3 version we have no problems.

Shyru commented 5 years ago

Ok, what a pitty. Can anybody help us on this issue? Just for reference this is how it looks on our end: image As you see, only custom sent avatar images are displayed. All channel-icons with only text only show a background color and some small character. Is there anything more that we can do to help diagnose this error?

umputun commented 5 years ago

For me, the ios app is not even showing all custom (users) avatars, just some of them

anthonylavado commented 5 years ago

I should add, I still have this. I can see user avatars for Direct Messages, but not channel icons.

j-stahl commented 5 years ago

We finally solved this issue. @rafaelks was right. The font was missed. The website has shown the correct avatars, because they are drawn with CANVAS, while the mobile app gets a generated jpeg picture from backend. The package fontconfig is not installed inside the docker image. So there are no fonts, the server app could use. I created a pull request to solve this issue in the next docker image builds. I created a pull request to solve that issue. To fix this now you can run: docker exec -it docker-container-name /bin/bash apt-get update apt-get install fontconfig

@umputun Did you use also the docker image? Do you use filesystem to save your pictures? Maybe you have forgot to use a docker mount to save the pictures on your host or on a docker volume. This will lead to missed pictures, when you destroy your container for updates.

umputun commented 5 years ago

Did you use also the docker image?


Maybe you have forgot to use a docker mount

No, the volume is mounted fine. Sometimes the issue can be "solved" by ios app reinstall.

sampaiodiego commented 4 years ago

Depends on

the release 2.3.1 of the official Docker image will fix the issue.. using our own maintained image does not have the issue: rocketchat/