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Jitsi (self hosted) not using provided configurations #12962

Open eidermar opened 5 years ago

eidermar commented 5 years ago

I have RC setup via Snaps on Ubuntu 18 and a self hosted Jitsi server. Now when I point the domain in RC's Settings -> Video Conference to my Jitsi domain it works but it seems not to obey to the config settings like in the browser.

I can only assume, but the reason I believe so is that I can see the standard Jitsi logo as watermark while this is replaced with a company logo on my installation. Same for the welcome page. It's custom on my domain and the one shown in RC is the standard text (although strangely) with some replacements from my local config file. Through the browser everything looks exactly as expected, including the custom configurations.

I entered my domain without any http:// or https:// which I believe is the right way as SSL is done automatically.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or a user mistake, maybe RC overrides the Jitsi config settings somehow?and would be very thankful for any pointers into the right direction!

Shaverdoff commented 5 years ago

I have RC setup via Snaps on Ubuntu 18 and a self hosted Jitsi server. Now when I point the domain in RC's Settings -> Video Conference to my Jitsi domain it works but it seems not to obey to the config settings like in the browser.

I can only assume, but the reason I believe so is that I can see the standard Jitsi logo as watermark while this is replaced with a company logo on my installation. Same for the welcome page. It's custom on my domain and the one shown in RC is the standard text (although strangely) with some replacements from my local config file. Through the browser everything looks exactly as expected, including the custom configurations.

I entered my domain without any http:// or https:// which I believe is the right way as SSL is done automatically.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or a user mistake, maybe RC overrides the Jitsi config settings somehow?and would be very thankful for any pointers into the right direction!

i install self hosted jitsi to and enter domain in configuration on Video conference. but every time than i make video - and other in dm or pg click to join Rc tell me that Call is already ended... if copypaste url from button - call in progress.... is a bug on some misconfiguration? and about Chrome Extension ID... where i can get it? i must enter a new one?