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Message Behaviour Changed from 3.10 on #21126

Open watter opened 3 years ago

watter commented 3 years ago

Message appearance changed from version 3.10 on

Using the API to send some test messages I've found that the message behaviour changed from 3.10 on (3.11 and 3.12 and 3.12.1 act the same way).

On 3.10 we had the following Seleção_018

As 3.11 and up we've got the following result: 3_11_and_up

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Send an API call: I've used the following curl command at file envia-msg-rc.txt

in short, the curl call below does the "magic": ` curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTHTOKEN" \ -H "X-User-Id: $USERID" \ -H "Content-type:application/json" \ ${SERVER}/api/v1/chat.postMessage \ -d "{ \"alias\": \"Gruggy\", \"avatar\": \"\", \"channel\": \"#${CHANNEL}\", \"emoji\": \":smirk:\", \"text\": \"Sample message\", \"attachments\": [ { \"audio_url\": \"\", \"author_icon\": \"\", \"author_link\": \"\", \"author_name\": \"Bradley Hilton\", \"collapsed\": false, \"color\": \"#ff0000\", \"fields\": [ { \"short\": true, \"title\": \"Test\", \"value\": \"Testing out something or other\" }, { \"short\": true, \"title\": \"Another Test\", \"value\": \"Link something and this and that.\" } ], \"image_url\": \"\", \"message_link\": \"\", \"text\": \"Yay for Manga!\", \"thumb_url\": \"\", \"title\": \"Attachment Example\", \"title_link\": \"\", \"title_link_download\": true, \"ts\": \"2020-12-09T16:53:06.761Z\", \"video_url\": \"\" } ] }" | jq '.'


Expected behavior:

I expect that the message still displays the same way as it does in 3.10 and below


Actual behavior:

As 3.11 and up we've got the following result: 3_11_and_up

Server Setup Information:

Client Setup Information

Thanks in advance


HiveMindNet commented 3 years ago

We have also seen this change.

rahljoshi commented 3 years ago

Can I work on this issue?

AllAstronauts commented 3 years ago

Bump on all of this. A lot of my integrations are broken now. attachment - text parses alright but that's about it. Losing audio_url right now hurts.

EDIT: I've routed around this for now, for audio file embeds at least, by altering the attachments - text to insert the audio controller directly.

"attachments": [ { "text": "<audio controls src='" + request.content.audio_url + "'></audio>", "audio_url": request.content.audio_url, "audio_type": "ogg", } ]

I'm just pushing out a title and the audio_url from my external source to the integration and recreating the message in the integration itself - you'll likely need to adjust this on your end but you get the idea. The "text" field will parse html. audio_type is there as I wasn't sure if the built-in audio attachment wasn't now requiring more vars to fire - that doesn't appear to be the case, and I'm leaving the actual audio_url line in there as well so I can catch when this gets patched (I'll start seeing two audio players then)

MPritsch commented 3 years ago

Links and formatting seems to not work in attachments. This breaks the gitlab-integration resulting in a message like this: Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 13 21 44 Usually you would be able to click the link and see who committed but the message is cut off now. We use 3.11.3

Edit: This could be an unrelated issue as we used 3.10.5 before without this issue. (or it was introduced with a minor version in 3.10.x) Edit2: My issue could be related to this which should be fixed in 3.12

hugodecasta commented 3 years ago

Still having this issue in 3.13.1 !

Gadiguibou commented 3 years ago

Same issue here on 3.15.0, maybe even more problems... Our Alertmanager integration messages used to look like this:


And now look like this:

Screenshot from 2021-06-07 08-38-33-redacted_dot_app


galiazzi commented 3 years ago

Same problem in 3.18.1 version

AllAstronauts commented 3 years ago

Still a mess if not worse. The recent forced Markdown has actually broken all the previously working audio bits I cobbled into the text field (mentioned earlier in this issue) and I for the life of me cannot get audio players to fire at all no matter how I format or call out the audio url into the message. This has been one hell of a regression and I don't understand why it is getting so little traction. I'll take any suggestions...

EDIT: I really don't want to upload the files directly to the room/channel, there's really no need to duplicate the files at all, but I don't even think anyone on staff has even acknowledged this and I'm SOL on other options I think. I wonder if these parsers that have borked out have test cases they need to pass before push approval.

ANOTHER: I should note, the RC phone app displays the audio embeds fine (webhook or API called), it's only on the web that these audio bits don't parse. Also the Electron desktop app fails at displaying these correctly.

AllAstronauts commented 2 years ago

With the latest version of RC (Ubuntu Snap install), a tweaked version of my hack from last year of using the text var (this time using the initial text var, not the one within the attachments structure) and pushing a manually created html

Working for Webhook integration or an API call.

OctavioSI commented 1 year ago

So, I'm not sure if this is still relevant or not, but I was trying to attach to my message an audio_url and the error above (attachment not showing the embedded player) was driving me crazy.

My workaround this was to simply send a simple message with the audio_url in it, and the embedded player showed fine, like this:

      "msg": ""

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