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GitLab OAuth results in Error in OAuth Server: Failed to complete OAuth handshake #21545

Open Br-ian opened 3 years ago

Br-ian commented 3 years ago


Using OAuth with a self-hosted GitLab instance results in Error in OAuth Server: Failed to complete OAuth handshake. Thus, my users cannot use their GitLab account to login on Rocket.Chat

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Settings -> OAuth -> GitLab
  2. Use the following settings:
    • OAuth Enabled: enabled
    • GitLab URL: https://gitlab./
    • GitLab ID: ID from GitLab's OAuth applications (https://gitlab./admin/applications)
    • GitLab Secret Secret from GitLab's OAuth applications (https://gitlab./admin/applications)
    • Identity Path: /api/v4/user
    • Merge Users: disabled
    • GitLab Callback URL: https://chat./_oauth/gitlab
  3. Save changes, logout, click on the GitLab button
  4. Window opens, pointing to: https://gitlab./users/sign_in, fill in login details, click on Login
  5. GitLab shows authorize dialog (https://gitlab./authorize), I click on authorize and the window closes
  6. Instead, Rocket.Chat shows an [undefined] error in the browser.

Expected behavior:

I expect to be able to authenticate my users against my self-hosted GitLab using OAuth.

Actual behavior:

Server returns a 404 not found: Error in OAuth Server: Failed to complete OAuth handshake with gitlab at https://gitlab./oauth/token. failed [404] 404 page not found

Browser shows an error message: [undefined]

Server Setup Information:

Client Setup Information

Additional context

My setup is behind a Traefik SSL proxy.

OAuth Application in GitLab:

When I test with everything works, POST https://gitlab.<my.domain>/oauth/token (with the correct key/values) results in

    "access_token": "<token>",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "refresh_token": "<token>",
    "scope": "read_user",
    "created_at": 1618326157

Relevant logs:


{"line":"405","file":"oauth_server.js","message":"Error in OAuth Server: Failed to complete OAuth handshake with gitlab at https://gitlab.<my.domain>/oauth/token. failed [404] 404 page not found ","time":{"$date":1618321817770},"level":"warn"}


johncrisp commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the comprehensive report.

I think the error might be here:

Failed to complete OAuth handshake with gitlab at >https://gitlab./oauth/token. failed [404] 404 page not found

I think you need to check your gitlab access to that URL.

Please close this issue if you resolve the problem.