RocketChat / Rocket.Chat

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livechat/ not giving next agent in line #22948

Open mfahad19 opened 3 years ago

mfahad19 commented 3 years ago

Hi the /api/v1/livechat/ is just giving success=true and nothing else. I believe due to this /api/v1/livechat/room creates a room and doesn't assign a agent to it.

Reference to documentation:

This has caused one of our systems that sends chats to the rocket chat system to fail.

Version 3.17.0 (snap) Apps Engine Version 1.27.1 Node Version v12.22.1 Database Migration 228 (August 17, 2021 3:17 PM) MongoDB 3.6.14 / wiredTiger (oplog Enabled)

yashovardhan commented 3 years ago

Hey there,

Thanks for reporting this.

Can you help us by telling the steps to replicate this issue? We will get this checked accordingly.

mfahad19 commented 3 years ago

When calling api (we use postman to call this for testing) api/v1/livechat/ GET

Response : 
    "success": true

The actual response should be like (as mentioned in the docs

  "agent": {
    "_id": "7Gm3AISDAJ3r6sJ68XR",
    "emails": [
        "address": "",
        "verified": true
    "name": "Livechat Agent",
    "username": "livechat.agent"
  "success": true