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Not able to see buttons in whatsapp client #26872

Open binodyadav6119 opened 2 years ago

binodyadav6119 commented 2 years ago

I have integrated whatsapp in the rocketchat. I need to send buttons to whatsapp clients but when i am creating buttons from rasa app, I am not able to get buttons in whatsapp. I am able to get text messages. Is there any prefer way of sending those buttons and some extra message attachments as well? I tried searching if any way is there but didnt get that?

KulshresthJangid commented 2 years ago

I guess to use buttons, you need to submit a template that contains the buttons to your vendor. So check if your template is approved by your vendor or not.

binodyadav6119 commented 2 years ago

Using a template will be API call. I was trying to send buttons using standard way that RASA has followed. But it is not reflected to whatsapp client.

dudanogueira commented 2 years ago


The Bot connector App is the one answering incoming chats, Right?

So the Connector App needs to "translate" the bot payload to button items, and then the Whatsapp/Instagram/Other connector should translate it to the to channel specifications.

I don't know about the Rasa Connector, but I am sure the Botpress Connector, from Luis Hlatki works with it.

ahmadaii commented 5 months ago

@binodyadav6119 Do you overcome this to some extent? I'm sending a message with image attachment and are visible in rocket chat room. But on whatsapp, only text is visible. Screenshot from 2024-06-19 16-29-53 Screenshot from 2024-06-19 16-31-27