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email inbox error #27455

Open jack-reso opened 1 year ago

jack-reso commented 1 year ago

i have a problem. when set email inbox in rocketchat,i see error log in docker logs ,it's show 1、"msg":"rejecting email on inbox ''content". 2、“msg”:"error occurred on inbox" {library ssl routines,reason: wrong version number} ,but i don't use ssl in both inbox and mailserver while content is really my email content,but it don't show in rocketchat,why? i hope you help

jack-reso commented 1 year ago

"level":50,"name":"emailinbox","err":"type","mongoServerError" ,message:"E11000 duplicate key error collection:rocketchat.rocketchat_email_message_history index: id dup key"

jack-reso commented 1 year ago

i use email address verification ,my email can receive mail from but when i test in email inbox ,send test mail ,there is nothing happen.why?

jack-reso commented 1 year ago

i'm offline ,my rockatchat version is 5.4.0,mongodb is 4.4 ,my email server is ewomail