RocketChat / Rocket.Chat

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GUI crash #30841

Open khodge281 opened 8 months ago

khodge281 commented 8 months ago

I keep getting GUI crashed error and cant get into my admin console

basvanbeeknl commented 8 months ago

I have the same issue while testing Rocketchat 6.4.4.

When I try to login in Chrome and submit the form the GUI shows error. When I use the login from the native Windows application it works fine.

Additional information: We have connected Atlassian Crowd to Rocketchat for users to login. When I disable this module in Rocketchat then the GUI error does not appear. So it looks like the Atlassian Crowd module is not compatible with the latest version of the Rocketchat login page.

tamasgal commented 8 months ago

Same issue here, on 6.4.5

JeroenAdam commented 8 months ago

Also GUI/server crashes here. It happens after using the postMessage API or sending certain messages via the UI. The messages are fairly long (2 screens) and sent daily. The issue started after upgrading to v6.4.4. We have to restart our RocketChat instance to get it up and running again. Upgrading from 6.4.4 to 6.4.5 did not help.