RocketChat / Rocket.Chat

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Updated Rocket.Chat and now we keep getting "too many requests" errors. #30842

Open audouts opened 10 months ago

audouts commented 10 months ago

We recently received notification that we needed to update Rocket.Chat. We were running 6.1.x, I believe. We updated to the latest version, 6.4.4.

However, now we keep seeing this very annoying message in the client:

Error, too many requests. Please slow down. 
You must wait 3 seconds before trying this
endpoint again. [error-too-many-requests]

This is particularly annoying because:

  1. We didn't see it until after updating
  2. It doesn't save the text that was entered into the client, so you lose your entire message
  3. It seems to be rather random
audouts commented 10 months ago

Would this be in the API or DDP rate limiter? I don't know what DDP is and I don't know the difference between the two.

tamasgal commented 10 months ago

We have the same error since we updated to 6.4.5 for a couple of users (especially those who use the Windows Desktop client).

Mac users reported repeated crashes/reloads inside the macOS app, so that it was totally unusable. Reinstalling (after removing all the RocketChat settings) helped for them but this "fix" did not work on Windows.

olehmykhalchenko commented 6 months ago

Same for me, disabling rate limiting and allowing sending many messages doesn't work. It just randomly appears even if nobody is chatting at the moment. image

JoshMcCullough commented 5 months ago

We're getting this error with basically zero user activity and the API and DDP rate limiters completely disabled. (RC 6.6.6)

JoshMcCullough commented 5 months ago

See my comment on this other ticket for more information and a solution: