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E2E key on Mibile devices (IOS) #32082

Closed Taz-Hubelia closed 2 weeks ago

Taz-Hubelia commented 2 months ago



Some of our Users are having an issue where when they login to their IOS mobile app, it never prompts them to enter the E2E key so they cant decrypt their messages on their phones and access their conversations...

We have tried reinstalling the app, and logging out and back in of the account. It seems to be working normally on Android though as I didn't have this issue on my android phone.

Please provide guidance on this issue.

Thanks, Taz

Steps to reproduce:

Expected behavior:

Actual behavior:

Server Setup Information:

Client Setup Information

Additional context

Relevant logs:

reetp commented 2 weeks ago

This would likely be a react issue.

Please test on the latest version of Rocket and if it still occurs, open a bug in the react native repo.