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Owner Information of private groups in administration area #3792

Open soenkef opened 8 years ago

soenkef commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to implement some information in the admin area in the rooms category - owner Information?

When clicking on administration - rooms - private groups, an information respective to the group owners would be helpful.

Your Rocket.Chat version: 0.28 (make sure you are running the latest)

cbrummitt commented 8 years ago

I'd also like to see who created the room in the Information window of the room (i.e., the window brought up by clicking on the "i" icon on the right-hand side). Slack does this; that is, it shows the creator of the room when you open the right-hand pane that shows information about the channel.

(The creator of the room is always the owner of the room, right? If not then listing the creator and owner in the information panel would be helpful.)

ericzolf commented 7 years ago

I'm also missing this information to ask for changing the subject, do a hand-over, or whatever.

Gummikavalier commented 7 years ago

This would greatly help in identifying orphaned channels when people leave or move in the organization to different tasks.

Gummikavalier commented 6 years ago

It is not possible to delete accounts in 0.69.x that are the last owners in any room anymore. Unfortunately the dialog does not tell what rooms the user is the owner of.

You can find out this by running:

mongo rocketchat --eval "db.rocketchat_room.find( {'u.username':'accountname'}, {'name':1} ).forEach(function(u){print(;})"

where accountname is the account of the problematic user as how it shown in Rocket.Chat.

krispayne commented 4 years ago

mongo rocketchat --eval "db.rocketchat_room.find( {'u.username':'accountname'}, {'name':1} ).forEach(function(u){print(;})"

Does this command still return the owners? I made a change this morning to a private room and it's still showing up under the old owner's account name in the output of this command. The admin interface shows the correct, new private group owner, though. Maybe the db key is different on recent versions of RC? I'm on 3.0.4

Gummikavalier commented 4 years ago

@krispayne I don't remember who tipped me about this originally but you can also check rocketchat_subscriptions with mongo rocketchat --eval "db.rocketchat_subscription.find({\$and:[{'u.username':'accountname'},{'roles': 'owner'}]},{'name':1}).forEach(function(y){print(;})"

This has helped me to find any troubling channel owners so far.

krispayne commented 4 years ago

@Gummikavalier that works well, thanks!