Open VasudhaMathur opened 7 years ago
Also, please update the doc if this functionality is currently not available :)
@VasudhaMathur can you link to the message/screenshot of the conversation on the support channel? We support oAuth on the desktop client which uses the real time api which means ideally it should be possible however I am curious the reasons they gave you as to why not.
@graywolf336 Here is the series of sreenshot-
@VasudhaMathur can you explain the flow you want to do? Cuz it's possible to execute the OAuth login via Realtime API and via REST API, you just need to execute the web flow to get the final token to pass to the login method.
@rodrigok I'm executing the web flow using the real time API { "msg": "method", "method": "login", "id":"42", "params": [ { "oauth": { "credentialToken":"credential-token", "credentialSecret":"credential-secret" } } ] } But recieved this error- "message": [145546287]", "reason":"No matching login attempt found"},
Maybe there's a problem implementation of the web flow. I'll check and get back to you :)
Hi, I'm building an Qt/QML interface to Rocket.Chat, called Ruqola. Password login works fine but now we're planning to have OAuth supoort. When used this, it gave this error- {""errorType":"Meteor.Error", "message": [145546287]", "reason":"No matching login attempt found"}, "id":"1", "msg":"result"} On the Rocket.Chat support channel, a team member said this is currently unavailable and that you won't support OAuth login via realtime API. Can you suggest any other way to implement OAuth in our client?