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Omnichannel LiveChat #8220

Open engelgabriel opened 6 years ago

engelgabriel commented 6 years ago

LiveChat Bridges to:

ci2014 commented 6 years ago

@engelgabriel In the settings Rocket.Chat asks for OmniChannel API data. Where to obtain them? I googled for omnichannel facebook, but I think I am missing something at the moment.

Thank you very much.

JSzaszvari commented 6 years ago

@ci2014 send a email to and they will get you sorted

ci2014 commented 6 years ago

@JSzaszvari Thank you. I can see, that there is a note below the fields. I was wondering, where this API data is coming from. Which API is meant, when we talk about the OmniChannel API data? Who provides that API?

JSzaszvari commented 6 years ago

Paging @sampaiodiego for more info

sampaiodiego commented 6 years ago

@ci2014 we have a service called which acts as a gateway/middleware for Facebook Messenger. So a Rocket.Chat server communicates with that communicates with Facebook.

ci2014 commented 6 years ago

@sampaiodiego Understood! Thank you very much.

Buliwyfa commented 6 years ago

is available for self-host Rocket.Chat solutions?

sampaiodiego commented 6 years ago

yes it is @Buliwyfa .. you just need an API key and secret

trongthanh commented 6 years ago


I have sent an email to but received no reply (on Apr 18). Should I wait more?

sampaiodiego commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry @trongthanh .. we had some issues on our omni email.. we're now taking care of the backlog.

mattsaddo commented 6 years ago

Can the gateway be self hosted? If so is there a open source repository for it?

sampaiodiego commented 6 years ago

@mattsaddo the gateway cannot be self hosted.. but we have plans to allow you to have facebook integration without the gateway.. it will be by far much complicated to set up, but we understand some people would not like to use the gateway.

jhmk commented 5 years ago

Will also WhatsApp Business be supported in the future?

3ruce commented 5 years ago

Are the guys at still providing api keys? I emailed on the 4th Dec which isn't too long ago but I'm curious if you guys still support this...

wabbit187 commented 4 years ago

Same here. wrote an email for about 2 weeks. Is it still a working integration?!

geekgonecrazy commented 3 years ago

The facebook integration still very much operational, there might be delays on replying as its definitely not an automated response. :)