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Sending sms from Rocket Chat #8322

Open JohnGDalrymple opened 6 years ago

JohnGDalrymple commented 6 years ago

Overview: We sell a service "" that enables businesses to text enable their existing business numbers. Our underlying carrier is Twilio. We are using RocketChat's Livechat and Twilio integration to give our clients the ability to receive and respond to sms messages. We wish to also give them the ability to send NEW unsolicited sms messages - not in response to an incoming message.

Description: We would like a page - probably under LiveChat that has three fields: From, To, and Message. Following is a description of each:

From: This will be a telephone number that the message is from. This must be a valid number that is on the client's Twilio subaccount.. There could be more than one number. So, this could be a variable entered elsewhere and offered as a drop-down.

To: The user enters one number or multiple numbers that the text message will be sent to. The user can either enter multiple numbers separated by a comma, or possibly upload a csv file of numbers to send to.

Message: User entered information. Should be at least 4 x 164 characters in possible length. Perhaps a note somewhere that says "Messages over 164 characters may be send, but will be counted as multiple messages"

I think that is it for now. ~John

izodzim commented 6 years ago

Would like this as well, and would like to contribute monetarily if need be

jsmerriam commented 5 years ago

We would like this as well and would also be willing to contribute monetarily

MangNPB commented 5 years ago

I'm not very good in coding but have a simple idea for programmers with code blocked.

how to start (initiate) a sms. (currently rocket chat waits for an incoming post with to, from, body... then create a room and.. so on to for us to reply). simpliest way to initiate this is to have a small script to take a input number and once hit "send sms" to generate a local post through the rocketchat rest api port with the from:"number just input". this will cause rocket chat to create a new room as if that number just sent us a message and waiting for reply.

---->>> modifying the visitor contact doesn't work!

come on programmer. i need this feature!

Thanks first. Mang

zdelanofw commented 4 years ago

I have come into a need for this feature as well. What would be nice is to create a room with Twilio SMS enabled, provided (obviously) that the From number is valid and that a To number is filled in, and to name the room something of your choosing.

workdojos commented 2 years ago

Overview: We sell a service "" that enables businesses to text enable their existing business numbers. Our underlying carrier is Twilio. We are using RocketChat's Livechat and Twilio integration to give our clients the ability to receive and respond to sms messages. We wish to also give them the ability to send NEW unsolicited sms messages - not in response to an incoming message.

Description: We would like a page - probably under LiveChat that has three fields: From, To, and Message. Following is a description of each:

From: This will be a telephone number that the message is from. This must be a valid number that is on the client's Twilio subaccount.. There could be more than one number. So, this could be a variable entered elsewhere and offered as a drop-down.

To: The user enters one number or multiple numbers that the text message will be sent to. The user can either enter multiple numbers separated by a comma, or possibly upload a csv file of numbers to send to.

Message: User entered information. Should be at least 4 x 164 characters in possible length. Perhaps a note somewhere that says "Messages over 164 characters may be send, but will be counted as multiple messages"

I think that is it for now. ~John

Hi there, I know this is old, but did you ever find a workaround for this? TIA

workdojos commented 2 years ago

We would like this as well and would also be willing to contribute monetarily

Any luck with this by chance?