RocketChat / botpress-channel-rocketchat

Botpress module channel for Rocket.Chat
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
28 stars 10 forks source link

cannot use botpress-channel-rocketchat anymore #16

Open runawaydevil opened 3 years ago

runawaydevil commented 3 years ago

When I create channel-rocketchat.json and setup:




I get this: 00:18:31 - debug: Loading data for builtin_carousel from builtin_carousel.json 00:18:31 - debug: Loading data for builtin_raw from builtin_raw.json 00:18:31 - debug: [NLU::Native] Model is up to date 00:18:31 - info: ------------ 00:18:31 - info: Webchat available at http://localhost:3001/s/chat 00:18:31 - info: ------------

I'm noob but it seems botpresss does not join in my rooms or still alive. I really don't know what to do. Someone can help me? It stops there!

runawaydevil commented 3 years ago

As I know, it should keep: [connect] Connecting { username: 'bot', password: 'pass', ldap: false, host: '', useSsl: true, timeout: 20000, rooms: [], allPublic: false, dm: false, livechat: false, edited: false, integrationId: 'js.SDK', roomCacheMaxSize: 10, roomCacheMaxAge: 300000, dmCacheMaxSize: 10, dmCacheMaxAge: 100000 } 19:27:44 - debug: Loading data for builtin_image from builtin_image.json 19:27:44 - debug: Loading data for builtin_single-choice from builtin_single-choice.json 19:27:44 - debug: Loading data for builtin_card from builtin_card.json 19:27:44 - debug: Loading data for builtin_action-button from builtin_action-button.json 19:27:44 - debug: Loading data for builtin_carousel from builtin_carousel.json 19:27:44 - debug: Loading data for builtin_raw from builtin_raw.json 19:27:45 - debug: [NLU::Native] Model is up to date 19:27:45 - info: ------------ 19:27:45 - info: Webchat available at http://localhost:3000/s/chat 19:27:45 - info: ------------ [connect] Connected [login] Logging in DocsBot [getRoomIdByNameOrId] Calling (caching): general [getRoomIdByNameOrId] Success: "GENERAL" [joinRoom] Calling (async): ["GENERAL"] [joinRoom] Success [subscribe] Preparing subscription: stream-room-messages: __my_messages__ [subscribe] Stream ready: 4 LISTEN TRIGGERED [reactive] Listening for change events in collection stream-room-messages

But in my case does not work. :( I don't know what to do.... Please some help

marquies commented 3 years ago

Which server version did you use? I found out, that messages are coming in an array in newer versions, which will lead to some "15:00:06 - error: TypeError: Cannot read property '_id' of undefined" errors.

locnpsaigon commented 3 years ago

Same error for rocketchat 3.9.x, please help.