RocketChat / botpress-channel-rocketchat

Botpress module channel for Rocket.Chat
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
28 stars 10 forks source link

Fix the "no login token" promise reject problem #9

Closed Sing-Li closed 5 years ago

Sing-Li commented 5 years ago

update to latest js.SDK - closes #3

diegodorgam commented 5 years ago

Awesome @Sing-Li, just tested here and got this results:

13:02:00 - info: Bot launched. Visit: http://localhost:3002
[connect] Connecting { username: 'botpress',
  password: 'botpress',
  ldap: false,
  host: 'localhost:3000',
  useSsl: false,
  timeout: 20000,
  rooms: [ 'GENERAL' ],
  allPublic: false,
  dm: false,
  livechat: false,
  edited: false,
  integrationId: 'js.SDK',
  roomCacheMaxSize: 10,
  roomCacheMaxAge: 300000,
  dmCacheMaxSize: 10,
  dmCacheMaxAge: 100000 }
[connect] Connected
[login] Logging in botpress
13:02:00 - debug: Loading data for builtin_image from builtin_image.json
13:02:00 - debug: Loading data for builtin_single-choice from builtin_single-choice.json
13:02:00 - debug: Loading data for builtin_card from builtin_card.json
13:02:00 - debug: Loading data for builtin_action-button from builtin_action-button.json
13:02:00 - debug: Loading data for builtin_carousel from builtin_carousel.json
13:02:00 - debug: Loading data for builtin_raw from builtin_raw.json
[getRoomIdByNameOrId] Calling (caching): general
[getRoomIdByNameOrId] Success: "GENERAL"
[joinRoom] Calling (async): ["GENERAL"]
[joinRoom] Success
[subscribe] Preparing subscription: stream-room-messages: __my_messages__
[subscribe] Stream ready: 4

No more errors. Thks =)