RocketChat / feature-requests

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"Remind me about this in 1 hour" #14

Closed tuxmartin closed 2 years ago

tuxmartin commented 6 years ago

Hi, is possible to add feature "Remind me about this" for message like in Slack?

It is very useful.


mjovanovic0 commented 3 years ago

I implemented new Scheduler API in my app.

Now we wait for 3.8 release :)

geekgonecrazy commented 3 years ago

This is awesome!! I hope you plan to submit to marketplace. People will absolutely love this. I installed on and so far the team is impressed. :grin:

mjovanovic0 commented 3 years ago

Absolutely :)

I already tried to submit it. In that process I found one issue with rc-apps CLI that is resolve now (waiting for new release) to proceed with submit request :)

tuxmartin commented 3 years ago

It is great!

Can you please also add reminder to GUI?

I would like to use reminder like in slack for messages:

mjovanovic0 commented 3 years ago

Will check the possibility for injecting things into context menus. Some UI modifications are possible, not sure if this kind currently is.. (maybe PR to server source? who knows... :D )

geekgonecrazy commented 3 years ago

Not sure if adding to message action menu is yet possible. @d-gubert maybe you or someone from app team can confirm. :)

mjovanovic0 commented 3 years ago

I did initial check, currently it's not possible :(

saschafoerster commented 3 years ago


d-gubert commented 3 years ago

Not possible indeed, and we couldn't fit it into our short-term roadmap for the time being ☹️ but it is definitely something we have imagined for the UIKit to enable

mjovanovic0 commented 3 years ago

I'm in process to create this option with usage like this:

await configuration.messageActions.registerActions([new RemindMessageAction('remind-action-id')]);
export class RemindMessageAction implements IMessageAction {
    public id: string;
    public icon: string = 'reply-directly';
    public label: string = 'Remind me about this';
    public context: Array<string> = ['message', 'message-mobile', 'threads'];
    public group: string = 'menu';
    public order: number = 0;

    constructor(id: string) { = id;

    public action(event: Event, instance: void): void {
        console.log('action triggered');

    public condition(message: IMessage): void {

And I'm pretty close to finish it :) Now I only have issue to invoke MessageAction.addButton(action); to actually add button to system.

jsalatiel commented 3 years ago

When will it be released on market place ? =)

mjovanovic0 commented 3 years ago

It is submitted, currently in the process of review from RC team.

jsalatiel commented 3 years ago

Does it parse another language besides english ?

mjovanovic0 commented 3 years ago

Currently no :(

jsalatiel commented 3 years ago

No problem, thanks for working on this app.

jsalatiel commented 3 years ago

If eventually we get some UI for it , I think it can be easily translated =)

mjovanovic0 commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

First version of Remind Me app is published on official Rocket.Chat Marketplace.

Hope it will serve you well.

Any issue with the app itself, please report it here.

jsalatiel commented 3 years ago

I still can not install. More like a Rocketchat bug. Even though I am connected to rocketchat cloud services, it says I am not. So i can not download from market place.

jsalatiel commented 3 years ago

@mjovanovic0 I was able to install the app, but I am facing some issues. Basically I can trigger the /remind command , but never get the reminder.

If i use /remind me testar algo in 5 minutes, I receive the reply from Rocket.Cat, but no message after 5 minutes.


The second problem is that if I try to send the remind to a channel , it keeps complaining the Rocket.Cat user is not in the channel, but it is!

I am running RocketChat 3.8.4 in HA mode.

tuxmartin commented 3 years ago

@jsalatiel I have the same problem.

jsalatiel commented 3 years ago

I did initial check, currently it's not possible :(

Can you check if you could add some basic input ui like the poll extension? /Poll opens an ui that you can customize. so typing /remind would provide basic ui input and more importantly allow translations.

tuxmartin commented 3 years ago

Hi, does anyone have anything new? is missing on Marketplace and it is broken :-(

tuxmartin commented 3 years ago

@geekgonecrazy @d-gubert Hi, is there any progress?

It is issue from August 2018 with 199 reactions. So people want this.

Is it at any milestone?

johncrisp commented 3 years ago


@geekgonecrazy @d-gubert

Please don't @ people - it is unnecessary, and usually the wrong people. Bugs and feature requests are all decided by the Product Management team now, not individual developers.

Hi, is there any progress?

In the first instance ask the app developer as per this:

I will ask my colleagues to check with the Product Team to see if they know anything.

Obviously you are more than welcome to submit your own code and we will happily take a look at it.

tuxmartin commented 3 years ago

@johncrisp Hi, I'm sorry. I'm already desperate :-(

reetp commented 3 years ago

@johncrisp Hi, I'm sorry. I'm already desperate :-(

Still don't @ people - it is actually annoying and you will get ignored as likely it is the wrong person. Devs don't make most of the decisions - the Product team does.

It does clearly say above:

Any issue with the app itself, please report it here.

This app is not written by Rocket. Please hassle the author, not Rocket.

Alternatively, if it really is that important then employ someone to write it for you. They can liaise with the Rocket team who will undoubtedly assist them.

murtaza98 commented 2 years ago

Hello All :wave: I'm quite excited to share my new Reminder app over here. I've attempted to add most of the features requested in this issue and I think you guys will like it :smile: . Check out this doc for more info about this app.

Also, feel free to reach out to me on any below-mentioned channels if you wish to share any feedback or suggestions or even criticism.

Open server of Rocket.Chat: Email: LinkedIn

murtaza98 commented 2 years ago

Sharing more about this app: it allows you to create personal reminders, reminders for specific channels or users. It also has an option to create reminders for a specific message (@slyk comment here was very insightful and you'd find that this app is designed in a way that it provides a quick way to select the time after which you'd like to get reminded about a message). The app also has an option to schedule recurring reminders, thus allowing you to automate some processes. Plus, it is also equipped with some rich features to manage your scheduled reminders, like snoozing, marking as complete, deleting, etc.

saschafoerster commented 2 years ago

@murtaza98 I find it very useful. Could you explain a bit more, what kind of data are transferred by installing this app. I saw there are logs transferred, but what else?

tuxmartin commented 2 years ago

@murtaza98 Hi, do you have any news? When will this app be available on Rocket.Chat's Marketplace?

tuxmartin commented 2 years ago
