RocketChat / feature-requests

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Way of organising channels #637

Open matthias-brun opened 8 years ago

matthias-brun commented 8 years ago

Currently there is no way of sorting or grouping the channels a user is in, except for completely hiding them. Over time, as the number of channels a user is in grows, the channel list gets messy and it becomes difficult to quickly find a specific channel.

My suggestion would be to add a feature which allows for

The exact implementation could look quite different than what I outlined above but should provide a way of organising many channels.

I couldn't find any similar issues, has this never been discussed before?

lunitic commented 8 years ago

@engelgabriel Has any work been done regarding grouping of channels?

lunitic commented 8 years ago

Have there been any progress?

9joshua commented 7 years ago

+1 for subgroups, i.e....

       |__Channel 1
       |__Channel 2
       |__Channel 3

Direct 1:1 Chats
localguru commented 7 years ago

At this point I like the team concept of mattermost:

simon-doerflinger commented 7 years ago

Are there any news to this topic? It would be a great Feature and could help us a lot 😁

stgolem commented 7 years ago

We also need Teams. Also there has to be Team Administrators, that have more permissions inside Team channels.

Atomy9 commented 6 years ago

Yes this feature would be highly appreciated, any news on the progress ?

phischdev commented 6 years ago

This is the last essential feature that prevents us from entirely switching to

kenton-r commented 6 years ago

What about groupings in the side bar by taxonomy tags. A channel could be listed only once under the first tag or listed multiple times under each associated tag.

neokeld commented 6 years ago

Similar issue : RocketChat/Rocket.Chat#1299

adityanmishra commented 6 years ago

This will be a nice feature. Currently we are using rocket chat for all our notifications for many teams. It will really be helpful if we can group the channels

jaenulton commented 4 years ago

Collapsible would be a must. The feature request is nearly 4 years old, any update yet?

neylwalecki commented 4 years ago


Balecan commented 4 years ago

I agree with previous post. This feature is very interesting to organize our teams channel. Some ppl know equivalent feature in other tools and it could be to find the same thing in Rocket Chat to help improve is usage. Ty

clemoan commented 4 years ago


BrennenHodge commented 4 years ago

This feature is even more important with the increase of remote teams.

I vote we bump this up to higher priority.

nemeth-it commented 4 years ago


avatar1024 commented 3 years ago

+1 for this too! It would be very useful. It also feels that we should be able to sort discussions as sub channels (since they are created within a channel). So it seems like a three level tree would be best: Room: top level which is just used to group channels > can give it a description but not for people to post messages Channels: top layer for people to chat Discussions: specific topic within a channel > effectively sub channels

charliehelmijr commented 3 years ago

+1 for this too! It would be very useful. It also feels that we should be able to sort discussions as sub channels (since they are created within a channel). So it seems like a three level tree would be best: Room: top level which is just used to group channels > can give it a description but not for people to post messages Channels: top layer for people to chat Discussions: specific topic within a channel > effectively sub channels

This would be perfect.

ghost commented 3 years ago


GrzegorzBobrowicz commented 3 years ago


zenithphysics commented 3 years ago

+100 for this feature. Its really useful and would make things so much more efficient.

Check : Telegram's folder structure also. Everything is moving towards better organization.

tetefolle commented 3 years ago


Tejeev commented 3 years ago

+1 Easily the most desirable improvement to RocketChat for me

Creaous commented 3 years ago


tobias-mierzwa commented 3 years ago


robbyoconnor commented 3 years ago

THis would be cool -- I could split out for example Google Summer of Code by year!

samdup commented 3 years ago

+1 - lack of channel organization makes the communication tool get more and more cumbersome and intimidating with time. I'd love to see this feature (ideally for admins) with! 💖

Here's what some competitors have done:

hawatius commented 3 years ago


ankar84 commented 3 years ago

Other issues related to that theme

v360-eduardo-marques commented 3 years ago


aakash-gitdev commented 2 years ago

I think this issue still persists. The list in the channel section should be made collapsible. Are there any updates regarding this?

vesperk commented 2 years ago


Meibisu commented 2 years ago


adestis-ds commented 2 years ago

A MUST HAVE Feature! @samdup wrote already a year ago that competitors DO HAVE this feature but no activity here...

adestis-ds commented 2 years ago

I vote for including this into the mid-term milestone!

clevertree commented 2 years ago

If it's not obvious yet why this feature was held back for 4 years, when it would take an afternoon to complete - Corporate Sabotage. Big Tech can't compete with open source, but they can certainly pay off free techs of open source projects like this one to sabotage their own work, or in this particular case, make the product less competitive with BigTech. I don't think anything short of naming and shaming will slow the spread of Corporate Sabotage in open source projects >:(

ArtemT commented 2 years ago

@clevertree, have you ever heard of Hanlon's razor?

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

clevertree commented 2 years ago

Sure, most of the time, but it's 2022, and it appears that planned obsolescence has hit the open source industry, and hard. I'd imagine if these guys aren't paid off to slow the release of industry-competitive product features, that they represent the exception to the rule in 2022

b90g commented 2 years ago

the last three comments are not helping. please check if you want to have such environment..

Meibisu commented 2 years ago

the last three comments are not helping. please check if you want to have such environment..

This feature is required since 2016, and still no reply from developers...

robbyoconnor commented 2 years ago

This feature is required since 2016, and still no reply from developers...

@Meibisu Why not implement it yourself? This is open-source, don't demand things.

subspecs commented 2 years ago

This feature is required since 2016, and still no reply from developers...

@Meibisu Why not implement it yourself? This is open-source, don't demand things.

Well we're sorry that we asked such a basic necessity of the poor poor developers.

Meibisu commented 2 years ago

This feature is required since 2016, and still no reply from developers...

@Meibisu Why not implement it yourself? This is open-source, don't demand things.

Because i use their enterprise license. And dont want to implement things and change them with every update. That's developers task and very important improvement which available in many others messendgers.

jimintz commented 1 year ago

Obligatory 2023 bump

T1mors commented 1 year ago

Is there an update on this? This feature seems to be very popular and we would also like to organise channels ourselves

ezleszken commented 1 year ago

Why is this feature still not added?

RuBAN-GT commented 1 year ago

Any updates?

adestis-ds commented 1 year ago

It would be very nice if developers could comment the state here. It is not very helpful to see +1 from many customers for more than 7 years and no reply from developers. We are an enterprise customer and really need this feature (so a +1 from us as well).

ankar84 commented 1 year ago

We are an enterprise customer and really need this feature (so a +1 from us as well).

Please create a paid service desk ticket to show importance of that feature fir you.