RocketChat / rocketchat_nextcloud

App that allows Rocket Chat to live inside NextCloud and become seamless for the NextCloud Users
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Cant install nextcloud gives an error message #2

Closed small1 closed 2 years ago

small1 commented 2 years ago

Probably because the tar.gz release file in the appstoe has a ._tocketchat_nextcloud in the root and not just a folder.

Looks like a macos file of some sorts

small1 commented 2 years ago

"Extracted app rocketchat_nextcloud has more than 1 folder"

Screenshot from 2022-02-28 15-34-50

TtuxX commented 2 years ago

Extracting the archive on my server I get error messages like these:

[...] x rocketchat_nextcloud/css/._style.css x rocketchat_nextcloud/css/style.css: Cannot restore extended attributes: tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.

The issue seems indeed to be that the archive has been kinda "wrongly" compressed on a MacOS system.

geoff-scott commented 2 years ago

"Extracted app rocketchat_nextcloud has more than 1 folder"

Screenshot from 2022-02-28 15-34-50

I get the same error in my installation(s)

Same problem.

Operating System: | Linux 5.4.0-100-generic x86_64 -- | -- CPU: | AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1920X 12-Core Processor (6 cores) Memory: | 8.26 GB
ruvenss commented 2 years ago


small1 commented 2 years ago

Right now it gives the that the app has the wrong id when trying to install the new release.

Probably becuase nextcloud instance i have hasnt updated the app list yet and tries to download the 0.9.2 version and gettin a signature for 0.9.3.

The download links in the app store points to the same file. A better way would be that the app download link would be unique (as it is on most of the other apps) so the 0.9.3 version file that was downloaded would be rocketchat_nextcloud.0.9.3.tar.gz and extract to a rocketchat_nextcloud folder :)

ruvenss commented 2 years ago

0.9.4 has been uploaded and tested it should be working now

ruvenss commented 2 years ago

It will take a while until it appears 0.9.4 in the app store currently only 0.9.2 appears, but thats an issue in the nextcloud cache I think