RocketChat / rocketchat_nextcloud

App that allows Rocket Chat to live inside NextCloud and become seamless for the NextCloud Users
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Integration with existing RocketChat users #26

Open AlexanderPlaza opened 2 years ago

AlexanderPlaza commented 2 years ago


I tried to look through all the documentation but I couldn't find much regarding existing accounts in a RocketChat instance At this time I have a RocketChat instance that has been used for the past few years. New Nextcloud docker setup with no users yet. (Minus the default admin account)

My understanding of the current available documentation, if I enable integration it would automatically create new RocketChat accounts as users sign into Nextcloud.

Is there a way to link up the two accounts (Nextcloud/RocketChat) - do I need to make sure username/email address/password is the same?

These are two standalone instances at this time, no LDAP in this environment.

brad-dart commented 1 year ago

Hi, I would like some information regarding this style of setup too please. We have been using both nextcloud and rocketchat for many years and both are backed via ldap/AD. Some information on integrating these already established systems would be most appreciated. In our case we would not want nextcloud to create users within rocket chat..

gitwittidbit commented 1 year ago


I, too, would like to learn more (or actually anything) about this use case.


southeasterntech commented 7 months ago

Same here....existing RC server and a new docker nextcloud, please help!