RocketChat / rocketchat_nextcloud

App that allows Rocket Chat to live inside NextCloud and become seamless for the NextCloud Users
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Release tested with 24.x #27

Open zitrusblau opened 2 years ago

zitrusblau commented 2 years ago

Hello and thank you for your good work!

The current version ist tested with Nextcloud min 22 and max 23. When do you plan to release a tested Rocket Chat App for Nextcloud 24?

pierrelocus commented 2 years ago

Hi @zitrusblau ,

I'll investigate on this this weekend. Keeping you updated, it'll certainly be available soon then.


zitrusblau commented 2 years ago

Any news on this issue? Nextcloud 24 is released for quite some time now.

gitwittidbit commented 2 years ago

I was wondering the same thing.

larsik78 commented 2 years ago

I also wonder if there will be a nextcloud 24 approved version - and when this will happen? After the announcement of closer cooperation between nextcloud and rocket chat I was pretty happy ... but if the compatibility lags behind the current version of nextcloud, that would be disappointing.

larsik78 commented 1 year ago

Hi @zitrusblau ,

I'll investigate on this this weekend. Keeping you updated, it'll certainly be available soon then.



anything you find out??

Thanks in advance!


zitrusblau commented 1 year ago

No news here unfortunately. We switched to Nextcloud Talk which is sufficient for now...

artler-tech commented 1 year ago

Any news? We really would appreciate using Rocket.Chat within our Nextcloud. Talk is disappointing…

TehnoMag commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that the current version works in the 24th version without any complaints.

pkenell commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that the current version works in the 24th version without any complaints.

I can not get the integration to work on 24.0.7. Automatic login via iframe token login - does not work. Also Rocket.Chat looses session when you leave the Rocket.Chat tab and you have to re-login.

The project seems to be dead or at least in deep coma. No updates to the code for a very long time, and version 25.0.4 is out now!

Any possibilities that you on and Nextcloud soon will honor the Deepen Integration announced March 03 last year?
