RocketChat / rocketchat_nextcloud

App that allows Rocket Chat to live inside NextCloud and become seamless for the NextCloud Users
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Refused to Connect, even with the Rocket chat settings adjusted #44

Open southeasterntech opened 7 months ago

southeasterntech commented 7 months ago

If I'm still getting chat refusing to connect even with the URL for nextcloud set in Options to X-Frame-Options, where would we go next to troubleshoot? Thanks

southeasterntech commented 7 months ago

FIXED: (Please update readme)

You need to make the following changes to your Rocket.Chat settings

Have two-factor Authentication disabled on your Rocket.Chat settings Administration > Settings > Accounts > Two Factor Authentication

Disable Restrict access inside any Iframe Administration > Settings > General > Restrict access inside any Iframe

Enable to send and receive data inside an iframe Administration > Settings > General > Iframe Integration