RocketMod / Rocket.Unturned

Unturned 3 implementation of the RocketMod — .NET Game Server Plugin Framework
MIT License
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Rocket error. #34

Closed XimmersiveX closed 7 years ago

XimmersiveX commented 7 years ago

Running server on Linux.

Using command rocket returns

An error occured while executing rocket []: System.MissingFieldException: Field 'SDG.Unturned.Provider.Version' not found. at Rocket.Core.Commands.RocketCommandManager+RegisteredRocketCommand.Execute (IRocketPlayer caller, System.String[] command) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Rocket.Core.Commands.RocketCommandManager.Execute (IRocketPlayer player, System.String command) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Using command rocket reload returns

An error occured while executing rocket [reload]: System.MissingFieldException: Field 'SDG.Unturned.Provider.Version' not found. at Rocket.Core.Commands.RocketCommandManager+RegisteredRocketCommand.Execute (IRocketPlayer caller, System.String[] command) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Rocket.Core.Commands.RocketCommandManager.Execute (IRocketPlayer player, System.String command) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0