RocketMod / Rocket.Unturned

Unturned 3 implementation of the RocketMod — .NET Game Server Plugin Framework
MIT License
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Modded server bug #35

Closed errorcode404wtf closed 7 years ago

errorcode404wtf commented 7 years ago

OS: Ubuntu 15.04 Unturned: Rocket: Linux 674

Description: I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug. But I have a good feeling. When I launch my normal Unturned server it works fine, starts up, loads the world. Do this with Rocket installed, same thing. But when I get to installing mods is the interesting part. It will load all the way up to the first loading of the mods then completely stops. I've tried installing a whole new Unturned directory, I've tried subscribing to the mods on my account. Nothing seems to work, I also have a feeling this is due to it being 32 bit. If you're curious what it looks like here is a picture of the server crashed:

fr34kyn01535 commented 7 years ago

Could you please share the logs?

errorcode404wtf commented 7 years ago

Seems to be fixed now in later updates. Or it could have been an error on my end. Idk, either way it works.