RocketPy-Team / RocketPy

Next generation High-Power Rocketry 6-DOF Trajectory Simulation
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Monte Carlo Analysis Enhancements #269

Open giovaniceotto opened 1 year ago

giovaniceotto commented 1 year ago

Everyone loves the fact that RocketPy can be quite easily wrapped to run Monte Carlo simulations to carry on dispersion analysis.

However, this experience quickly becomes hard as the analysis complexity increases. Usually, lack of a good stopping criteria combined with long simulation times are the main issues.

Therefore, the following requirements are specified to improve general Monte Carlo simulations with RocketPy.


New features


Proposed Milestone

v1.X (This means we will avoid breaking changes as much as possible)

Additional comments

Ref.1 -> There are certain quantities, e.g. wind speed, that the user might have a more accurate distribution (maybe built empirically) that does not fit Numpy's provided distributions. The user could provide a "sampler," i.e. a function that takes an integer sample_size as input and outputs that amount of samples according to his distribution.)

Gui-FernandesBR commented 4 months ago

For future reference: