Closed RodolfoSilva closed 3 years ago
@HigoRibeiro @diego3g @pellizzetti
I don't know why, but the coveralls keep sending this message:
yarn run v1.22.5
$ nyc npm test && nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls
npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /tmp/yarn--1599444753514-0.44342638581364535/node but npm is using /opt/hostedtoolcache/node/12.18.3/x64/bin/node itself. Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.
> @rocketseat/adonis-bull@0.2.2 pretest /home/runner/work/adonis-bull/adonis-bull
> npm run lint
npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /tmp/yarn--1599444753514-0.44342638581364535/node but npm is using /opt/hostedtoolcache/node/12.18.3/x64/bin/node itself. Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.
> @rocketseat/adonis-bull@0.2.2 lint /home/runner/work/adonis-bull/adonis-bull
> eslint . --ext=.ts
> @rocketseat/adonis-bull@0.2.2 test /home/runner/work/adonis-bull/adonis-bull
> node japaFile.js
✓ BullProvider (70ms)
✓ should add a new job (13ms)
✓ should add a new job with events inside Job class (1ms)
✓ should schedule a new job (9ms)
✓ shouldn't schedule when time is invalid (1ms)
total : 5
passed : 5
duration : 96ms
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 75.81 | 56.52 | 50 | 79.66 |
adonis-bull | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
japaFile.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
adonis-bull/providers | 90.91 | 66.67 | 66.67 | 90.91 |
BullProvider.ts | 90.91 | 66.67 | 66.67 | 90.91 | 30
adonis-bull/src | 70.21 | 52.94 | 44.44 | 75 |
BullManager.ts | 70.21 | 52.94 | 44.44 | 75 | 60-77,97,113
throw err;
Bad response: 422 {"message":"Couldn't find a repository matching this job.","error":true}
(Use `node --trace-uncaught ...` to show where the exception was thrown)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.
Can anyone help me with this? I think may need to adjust some settings.
I tried to complie your code but getting BullBoard empty.
I am getting type error at BullManager.js:72:39: Cannot read property 'listen' of undefined .
@zulfi007 can you provide a repo with a simple implementation where I can get this error?
@zulfi007 can you provide a repo with a simple implementation where I can get this error?
also look into typescript typing error while import Bull from '@ioc:Rocketseat/Bull' . I have ignored then via ts-ignore .
First, thanks @RodolfoSilva for your contribution.
I'll look at this throughout the week. 🚀
Thanks @HigoRibeiro
Do we have an ETA to merge this? 🙂
@RodolfoSilva falta muito para disponibilizar essa adaptação? rsrsrs
@waldandrade eu acredito que a Rocketseet abandonou esse projeto, ou tem andado bastante ocupada com outras demandas e não tem sobrado tempo para olhar a lib(Mais provável).
Ae agora só eles para te responder mesmo.
@RodolfoSilva obrigado pela resposta rápida! :D Conhece alguma outra opção de scheduler para AdonisV5?
@waldandrade eu acabei criando um provider dentro do projeto com o Bull mesmo. Mas vc pode criar um arquivo na pasta start, utilizando o comando node ace make:prldfile scheduler
e utilizar o node-cron nele se for algo simples.
Fala galera, beleza? Cara não abandonamos o projeto não!
Um pouco de várias coisas contribuíram para ainda não dar o merge!! @RodolfoSilva será que conseguimos conversar no Discord? Higo Ribeiro#5513
Se não for possível eu te mando um e-mail, abraços
@HigoRibeiro que bom! Espero que dê tudo certo.
@RodolfoSilva realmente estou precisando utilizar algumas funções coisas mais complexas. Teria como me ensinar como configurar esta lib no Adonis5?
@waldandrade bom dia, conversei com @HigoRibeiro ontem. Alinhamos algumas coisas, acredito que nos próximos dias teremos uma release. Só preciso conseguir um tempo aqui para fazer esses ajustes.
Great @RodolfoSilva waiting for the release :)
Is there anything missing to have this merged? How can I help?
Any ETA as to when this can be merged?
I needed this package in one of the apps I'm working on and published it as a separate npm package as a stop gap solution. If you are in the same situation, please help yourself:
I'll remove the package once this merge gets approved and published. Thanks a lot to @RodolfoSilva for this migration. You are a hero :)
Thanks @ashokgelal, I will use your package. Any ETA for this PR to be merged? Many companies rely on it. :/
Thanks @ashokgelal 👍🏽
Hi @RodolfoSilva :hugs:
First thx for the contrib! We are reviewing this PR, but we have some problems to make it work, as soon as we finish. We are doing our best to make the merger happen as soon as possible
The work done so far has been very nice! We need to make some small adjustments to launch the alpha version, we will publish soon.
So, we will need your help to test this new version when it becomes available. You can follow the progress on this issue: #50