RockstarLang / rockstar

The Rockstar programming language specification
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Weak typing? #97

Closed crusaderky closed 5 years ago

crusaderky commented 6 years ago

It would be a good idea to clarify if Rockstar is weakly or strongly typed.


For example, can I do this?

Build your words up
The answer is "I love "
Put the answer with your words into my voice
Shout my voice 

stdin: "5" stdout: "I love 6"

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

I think Rockstar basically has to have weak typing. Because there is no easy way of doing method calls, and those would just make the lyrics harder to read, we really want to encourage implicit conversions like this. It is conventional to use If a cat is nothing which is already an implicit conversion from null to number (or vise versa).

Officially defining the semantics would be useful.

yyyyyyyan commented 6 years ago

Weak typing would make parsers in strong typed language way harder. There's not even syntax over string concatenation, I think we should go easy

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

How do you figure that? I wrote my parser in scala, a very strongly typed language, and had no problem getting the semantics we wanted. Yes it's a functional programming language, but I feel like I would have no problem if I had written it in c++ (besides much longer development time :P)

Also we want something like "left" plus "right" to work, and that would only be available in a weekly typed language (or strongly typed with tons of implicit conversions)

dylanbeattie commented 6 years ago

You're right, it would be a very good idea. So far I've basically assumed the type system works like JavaScript - which has some some well-documented idiosyncracies (WAT?) but is widely-understand and works pretty well most of the time in most cases. I certainly wouldn't envisage ever doing type checking at compile time.

dylanbeattie commented 6 years ago

and to @cwfitzgerald's point - it's fairly easy writing a parser for a weak-typed language using a strong-typed language, but if Rockstar was strongly typed implementing a Rockstar parser/transpiler that ran in JavaScript (for the inevitable interactive web Rockstar thing) might become significantly harder. So I think that's another strong point in favour of the language being weakly typed.

yyyyyyyan commented 6 years ago

"left" + "right" is "leftright", and it doesn't do silent type conversions. Strongly typed languages have this syntax (eg Python). The thing is:

My body is perfect
Dylan says 7
If Dylan is the same as my body

If Rockstar was a weakly typed language, this if should evaluate to True. However, in Python it'd check if "7" is equal to 7, which is not. I'd have to do some crazy shit to make this happen. Maybe convert everything to a string in a comparison. Even this way, I'd still have trouble comparing "1.0" with "1"

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

@yanorestes You're totally right, that's what happens when you post things first thing in the morning :smile:.

As for the semantics of that snippet, I would argue that it should evaluate to true. Now, the direction of the conversion is important. I think it should go in the "sane" direction string -> number, and if that fails, don't throw an exception, simply return false.

yyyyyyyan commented 6 years ago

That's plausible. Then I could just have a function that compare two variables, with a try/except inside

yyyyyyyan commented 6 years ago

Should I make these changes on rockstar-py? @dylanbeattie is weak typing official?

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

I think we should define a list of the acceptable conversions before making it official, if you give me a bit I can write up what I think should be an official list.

yyyyyyyan commented 6 years ago

Great! I'll wait;)

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

This list assumes functions are just objects within rockstar's object model. Additionally, the order of arguments is irrelevant. List should be complete, but if I forgot anything, let me know and I'll amend to it.

Binary Comparison

Less than, Less, Greater, and Greater than are only defined if the operands are Numbers or are implicitly converted as such.

Unary Operators

Binary Operators

Conversions other than the listed are errors.

wolfgang42 commented 6 years ago

@cwfitzgerald Looks great! A few questions:

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

@wolfgang42 To answer your questions:

wolfgang42 commented 6 years ago

@cwfitzgerald For #1, I am wondering what you mean by "Less than, Less, Greater, and Greater than are only defined if the operands are Numbers or are implicitly converted as such," especially since you have just defined them for Strings.

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

This attempts to be a more complete overview of Rockstar's type behavior, with better wording and taking into account string operations, and truthiness.


Rockstar uses a very similar type system to that defined by the ECMAScript type system, except undefined doesn't sound very rock'n'roll so we use mysterious instead.

Functions are just objects with a function call operator.

The following examples all use c style syntax for explaining what things do.

Operator Precedence

The higher, the tighter the binding. This is the precedence we generally expect from our math.

  1. Function Call (right-associative)
  2. Multiplication and Division (left-associative)
  3. Addition and Subtraction (left-associative)
  4. Logical Operators (left-associative)



The results of comparisons often rely on a concept called 'Truthiness'. If the value is truthy, it will be implicitly converted to true. If it is falsy, it will be implicitly converted to false.

Binary Comparison

Equality comparisons (is, ain't, is not) are allowed between any two operands of the same type. Objects are checked by reference equality, all other types are checked by value equality.

Ordering comparisons (is higher than, is lower than, is as high as, and is as low as) are only allowed if the operands are both Numbers or both Strings or they are converted to such an arrangement according to the rules below. Numbers are compared as expected, Strings are compared lexicographically.


Increment and Decrement Operators

Binary Operators

Conversions other than the listed are errors.

wolfgang42 commented 6 years ago

@cwfitzgerald +1, though I still wonder why String is greater than Boolean is undefined rather than an error.

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

@Wolfgang undefined means it's an error, you can't do any undefined operations.

wolfgang42 commented 6 years ago

Ah, got it. It's just that everywhere else you say Error, and 'only defined if' brings visions of C and nasal demons.

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

Haha, fair enough, I'll clarify the wording.

I think we should get some input from some other rockstarians, but then I would be willing to make this a PR to the spec.

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

Added operator precedence stuff.

dylanrenwick commented 6 years ago

I'm completely on board with this definition of types and typing in Rockstar

kentros commented 6 years ago

Can you add some rockstar example snippets?

Can you also call out where equality is and is as high/low fits into this picture? How strict should it be?

How are leading zeros, commas, e notation handled if in the string?

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

@kentros Updated it with better language and examples.

wolfgang42 commented 6 years ago

@cwfitzgerald Did I miss the PR for this? I don't see one.

(Edit: NVM, #131.)

cwfitzgerald commented 6 years ago

@wolfgang42 #131

hyiltiz commented 2 years ago

For string concatenation, I expected one of the following to work, but I couldn't figure it out after reading through the docs, watching the Youtube video on FizzBuzz guitar rock (fun times!), or just playing with the REPL at codewithrockstar

Example is one
My cat is "left" plus "right"

Another Example is Two,
My cat says left,
My dog says right,
My pets is my cat with my dog,
Whisper my pets.

How are you all doing string concatenation? I am thinking maybe doing something with stack, arrays or redirecting back and forth from STDIN and STIOUT may be possible, but seems too convoluted.