I have an issue where players on my server are unable to earn Mobhunt rewards for naturally spawned Wither Skeleton kills.
Any kills result in a message advising "[MobHunting] Rewards for killing WitherSkeleton is disabled by Admin". Debug mode also claims that WitherSkeleton is disabled in config:
[09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] ======================== New kill ==========================
[09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] Dolan_Ducc killed a WitherSkeleton (Minecraft)@(world_nether:1003,60,100)
[09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] Permission 'mobhunting.mobs.*' or 'mobhunting.mobs.WITHER_SKELETON' not set, defaulting to True.
[09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] KillBlocked: WitherSkeleton is disabled in config.yml
[09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] ======================= kill ended (25b)=====================
However, in the Rewards for killing Hostile Mobs part of the config, Wither Skeleton is set to true and has been since the plugin was installed:
Wither Skeleton settings
enabled: true
message: You killed a §1{killed}
amount: '30:50'
chance: 1.0
chance: '0.10'
cmd: give {player} fire_charge 1
drophead: true
value: '0'
chance: 0.1
message: §aThe §1{killed} §adropped a skull on the ground
Changing the enabled state produces the same results in false mode and when then re-setting it to true.
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.
I have an issue where players on my server are unable to earn Mobhunt rewards for naturally spawned Wither Skeleton kills.
Any kills result in a message advising "[MobHunting] Rewards for killing WitherSkeleton is disabled by Admin". Debug mode also claims that WitherSkeleton is disabled in config:
[09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] ======================== New kill ========================== [09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] Dolan_Ducc killed a WitherSkeleton (Minecraft)@(world_nether:1003,60,100) [09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] Permission 'mobhunting.mobs.*' or 'mobhunting.mobs.WITHER_SKELETON' not set, defaulting to True. [09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] KillBlocked: WitherSkeleton is disabled in config.yml [09:28:53 INFO]: [MobHunting][Debug] ======================= kill ended (25b)=====================
However, in the Rewards for killing Hostile Mobs part of the config, Wither Skeleton is set to true and has been since the plugin was installed:
Wither Skeleton settings
wither_skeleton: enabled: true message: You killed a §1{killed} money: amount: '30:50' chance: 1.0 commands:
Changing the enabled state produces the same results in false mode and when then re-setting it to true.
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.