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x64 folder, sln, vcxproj #4

Open RodenLuo opened 3 years ago

RodenLuo commented 3 years ago

why I have the following:

learnopengl\x64\Debug learnopengl\learnopengl\x64\Debug

what are the functions of sln, vcxproj file?

what are vcxproj.filters, vcxproj.user?

ondrejstrnad commented 3 years ago

x64 subfolder are created by VS based on the profile you have selected. Just live with that. The same is for vcxproj.filter and vcxproj.user.

vcxproj file is just a project file that contains information for VS which source files (.cpp, .h, and resources) are in the project. The project is something which output is dll or exe file. This file should be computer-agnostic. It's basically the description of the project.

On the other hand, .sln is a description of a workspace. Basically which projects (libraries) belong to the specific application. In our case Marion, Scenes and App form the solution. This file is computer specific (contains the description about the frameworks, paths, etc.) and thus should not be shared.