RodentDataAnalytics / mwm-ml-gen

mwm-ml-gen (RODA) is a software capable of performing analysis and classification of trajectory data for the Morris Water Maze
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Deployment #22

Closed avouros closed 8 years ago

avouros commented 8 years ago

In order for the code to be deployed all files (apart from the ones inside the import folder) must exist inside the project home folder and not separate folders.


This issue is caused because the following set of commands (which add all folders/subfolders/files of the project home folder to the matlab path):

        main_path = cd(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')));

do not cope with the deployed version of the program.

Solution: All the .m files inside the folders must be called each time they are needed (by using dynamic paths and the ''ctfroot'' command).

This solution will be implemented in the future.

avouros commented 8 years ago

Issue moved to: