RodrigoDornelles / 3bc-lang

Low-level language, tiny virtual machine, minimal runtime, intermediate representation, embeddable, easy for beginners. (Friendly Punched cards)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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change reserved cpu modes interval #379

Open RodrigoDornelles opened 1 year ago

RodrigoDornelles commented 1 year ago

This is a breakchanging!

It can only be done from 0.1.x -> to 0.2, according to the version semantics, while major for 0 there may be changes that break compatibility in incrementing minor.

the purpose of this change is to change the range from 10 to 10 to require a complex division algorithm on older hardware, it can be changed to base 2 intervals such as 16 to 16, which can be separated by a simple algorithm of mode >>4

this change makes sense for the next 0.1.4 patch as there will be some optimizations for custom cpu modes and cpumodes in general.