RodrigoSMarques / flutter_branch_sdk

Flutter Plugin for create deep link using Branch Metrics SDK. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android, Web).
MIT License
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i can not get campaign from branch sdk #342

Closed wujinsheng-ola closed 4 months ago

wujinsheng-ola commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug i finish all the property ,and the Initiating Branch integration verification。 when i start tiktok ads ,then jump to google store ,after download apps and open it . i can not get the campaign info。 How can I get in touch with my colleagues in business connection?

i am a chinese developer and my app runs on usa.

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 months ago

I don't understand.

Describe the problem in detail? Where does it occur? Which version? Which device? Which OS?

wujinsheng-ola commented 5 months ago

Can I contact the contact person of your company through group chat? Because we have checked that the code configuration branch is OK, and the advertisements configured by the marketing students cannot be attributed or campaign obtained

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 months ago

This package calls Branch Native SDK functions on each platform.

The problem reported is not in the Flutter plugin, but in the Native SDK.

Please open an issue in the platform repository:

Or open a support ticket for Branch at the link

I don't work at Branch

wujinsheng-ola commented 5 months ago

` ------------------- Initiating Branch integration verification --------------------------- ...

  1. Verifying Branch instance creation ... Passed
  2. Checking Branch keys ... Passed triggered onListen triggered getLastAttributedTouchData triggered onInitFinished BranchReferralInitListener - params: {"+clicked_branch_link":false,"+is_first_session":false}
  3. Verifying application package name ... Passed
  4. Checking Android Manifest for URI based deep link config ... Passed
  5. Verifying URI based deep link config with Branch dash board. ... Passed
  6. Verifying intent for receiving URI scheme. ... Passed
  7. Checking AndroidManifest for AppLink config. ... Passed
  8. Verifying any supported custom link domains. ... Passed
  9. Verifying default link domains integrations. ... Passed
  10. Verifying alternate link domains integrations. ... Passed Passed

    Successfully completed Branch integration validation. Everything looks good! Great! Comment out the 'validateSDKIntegration' line in your app. Next check your deep link routing. Append '?bnc_validate=true' to any of your app's Branch links and click it on your mobile device (not the Simulator!) to start the test. For instance, to validate a link like: click on: ` image (1)

i use the flutter branch sdk . this is my log. the picture is my ads . but i can not get the campaign info. how can i solve it ?

wujinsheng-ola commented 5 months ago

BranchReferralInitListener - params: {"$keywords":["Plugin","Branch","Flutter"],"$og_title":"Flutter Branch Plugin - 2024-6-27 11:15:4","referring_user_id":"user_id","custom_list_string":"[a, b, c]","~stage":"new share","~feature":"sharing","$canonical_identifier":"flutter\/branch_5c557724-4c31-4967-8a19-00177e8971ba","~id":1334710306278202431,"~campaign":"campaign","+is_first_session":false,"$android_url":"https:\/\/\/","~channel":"share","$ios_url":"https:\/\/\/","$always_deeplink":"true","$exp_date":"1750994104350","$publicly_indexable":"true","custom_number":"12345","~creation_source":4,"$og_description":"Flutter Branch Description - 2024-6-27 11:15:4","+click_timestamp":1719457962,"$uri_redirect_mode":"1","$match_duration":"7200","$og_image_url":"https:\/\/\/RodrigoSMarques\/flutter_branch_sdk\/master\/assets\/branch_logo_qrcode.jpeg","custom_string":"abcd","+match_guaranteed":true,"~tags":["one","two","three"],"+clicked_branch_link":true,"$android_redirect_timeout":"750","custom_list_number":"[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]","$ios_nativelink":"true","~referring_link":"https:\/\/\/rFtIpAn9KKb","custom_bool":"true","custom_date_created":"2024-6-27 11:15:4"}

i can not get conversation data like above . i try it much times ,but failed. please help me ,thanks

RodrigoSMarques commented 5 months ago

In addition to setting up the project, did you follow the instructions in the README to get the link data into the code? Have you reviewed the sample application?

Please, complete questions below

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Smartphone (Please complete the following information. remove session if not platform):

Web (please complete the following information. remove session if not platform):

Add any other context about the problem here.

RodrigoSMarques commented 4 months ago

Closed. No activity in the last 14 days.

If necessary open again.