RodrigoTomeES / astro-rename

Astro-Rename is an Astro integration that brings postcss-rename functionality to your Astro project without the need for configuration.
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 4 forks source link

hybrid mode #16

Open gabrielperales opened 3 weeks ago

gabrielperales commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Rodrigo!, this plugin is amazing!

I'm building an Astro web, which is almost static but I have a webhook and a couple of server endpoints, so the output configuration of my project could be set to "hybrid". Would this plugin work for the hybrid mode?

gabrielperales commented 3 weeks ago

I just have checked to replace if (config.output !== 'static') { by if (config.output == 'server') { and it seems to work :)

RodrigoTomeES commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! I didn't see this issue, yeah, it should be work with "hybrid" if you don't use it in any pages. If you use "hybrid" mode for one page and it use css classes or generate new classes that could break your css.