RoelKroes / TBTracker-RX

A cheap, mobile LoRa High Altitude Balloon receiver for Arduino based on esp32 and sx1278 with support for GPS, SSDV, a web interface and an OLED display.
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Scanner feature #13

Open dg8jt opened 1 year ago

dg8jt commented 1 year ago

Hi Roel, thanks for that great Software!!! I've just running 2 TBeams here 24/7. As the Frequencies are not standarized, the idea, is to implement a scanner function. Means for a stationary RX to have a switch at the web interface, where can set it on and put a list of freqencies to scan. If scanner mode is enbabled, the the RX looks 2/3 Min. at the freqency, if no vaild signal, then step to the next one and so forth. If a valid paylod is found, scanner stops until they lost the signal, wait a while appr. 10min, and scanner starts again...

I guess that helps a lot to catch the ballons:-)

What do you think?

Greetings Joachim

RoelKroes commented 1 year ago

Hi Joachim,

Thanks for your suggestion!

That is a good idea and I've got already more requests for some kind of a scanner function. I will put this on the "todo" list and keep this issue open.

It might take a while to get this implemented :-)

And if you have more ideas for this new feature, just add to this Issue.



dg8jt commented 1 year ago

Hi Roel,

thanks for comming back. I'm using a while the RDZSonde Programm for the TTGO's and that one has a nice scanner functionality. Have a look at - - may you know it already or find some interesting ideas or code.

br Joachim

RoelKroes commented 1 year ago

Hi Joachim,

Thanks for the tip! I've got that program now running as well. Big difference is however that the weather sondes transmit almost 100% of the time, so they are easy to catch. LoRa transmits only about 200ms per usually 30 seconds. So you need to listen longer and it is easier to miss a transmission.

Currently I'm thinking of adding some lines to the top of webinterface where you can add up to 5 (?) frequencies, LoRa mode and scan duration. That should not be too hard to implement.


dg8jt commented 1 year ago

Hi Roel, yes understood. regarding timeing, that is what i wrote in the first post. Scanner should stay for example 100 sec. on one frequency, that gives a chance by 30sek transmitting interval, to listen at 3 x TX intervals, then step to next one. (has to be tested) At least, when the RX has NO more a vaild signal, the it should wait for 5 Min. before start the scanner again, as sometimes, especially at startup and drop down the signal can be lost for a while... And yes, 5 Frequencies should be enough....

When i can halp for testing, plase let me know.

br Joachim