RogerCrocker / BadaBib

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Adaptive design GTK4/libadwaita (1): left and right panels fold and can be accessed using buttons on smaller screens #2

Open jbingram opened 2 years ago

jbingram commented 2 years ago

Man your software is awesome. I am a heavy latex/bibtex user for scientific publications, I am using Setzer of course, but I was hoping for something that useful and beautiful on adwaita. Many, many thx.

Now the suggestions of improvements. Would you be able to use libadwaita to make the gui adaptive by allowing the left and right panels to fold and be accessed using buttons on smaller screens

In any case this software is really minimalist, simple to use and very functional. Keep up the good work!

RogerCrocker commented 2 years ago

Hey! Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. I had always missed a nice GTK/GNOME BibTex editor, so I made Bada Bib! my "lockdown project". Glad to see that you find it useful.

I agree with both suggestions. Bada Bib! was my first serious encounter with GTK, so I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. But porting to the adaptive libawaita components is definitely a long term goal - can't promise any dates though. Would you mind opening separate issues for both points? That makes it easier to keep track.

For a start, I've been looking into porting Bada Bib! to GTK 4, and that already makes a big difference: