RogerSelwyn / O365-HomeAssistant

Office 365 integration for Home Assistant
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Doku for monitoring other users teams status #213

Closed matzingerhh closed 3 months ago

matzingerhh commented 3 months ago

Dear Roger, By reading the lates release notes I found the enhancement „monitor other users teams status“.

Am I right that I can use this for checking eg my business teams status where I do not have access to graph. This would unlock some little automation ideas for Ha.

I checked the doku but there I was not able to see how it is working. I would appreciate if you can confirm my understanding and show a little sample how to do it? many thanks and kind regards from Hamburg


RogerSelwyn commented 3 months ago

It means you need to have permissions within ms teams to access another users status using the permissions specified in the documentation. So you still need to be able to create an app within Azure and add permissions as specified. It would then use the credentials you set up within the Azure app, and the login when you authenticate.

matzingerhh commented 3 months ago

Hi Roger, Yes I have an app for my * account. Works fine and I really like it.

But for my business account I do not have auth to set up an app. I think sec rules by our it department.

My idea was to use my private account to monitor the business accounts status.

so I would add my business account in the contacts of the private account. There I can get the status. But how would I get it Via o365 integration. Kind regards Mathias

RogerSelwyn commented 3 months ago

Sorry no. The account that logs in must have access to all the services you are trying to access. Your outlook account won’t have access to your business teams account.

RogerSelwyn commented 3 months ago

Just to add, personal accounts don’t have MS Teams access via the api.

matzingerhh commented 3 months ago

Thanks for clarification. kind regards Mathias