RogerSelwyn / O365-HomeAssistant

Office 365 integration for Home Assistant
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O365 homeassisant #221

Closed Niko3003 closed 2 months ago

Niko3003 commented 2 months ago

After the latest update the integration is not working anymore I got ha version 2024.4.3 and ha os 12.0 Running virtual on a Synology Nas. I updated yesterdaymorning to the latest version and after this the integration could not make a connection. I use the calendar info and send some e mail notification Both don't work In the log I see inbox not found from query_sensors config entry - inbox /test_inbox - entity not created. Al of my entity's are red and saying the entity is not available. A can not see a backup is there a way to downgrade to an earlier version


RogerSelwyn commented 2 months ago

When posting an issue it is always worth including as much info as you can.

Niko3003 commented 2 months ago

Hi I'm using 4.71 coming from I suppose 4.70 Only using thecalendar and the mail (notification only, so only sending mail) Her you have the part of configuration.yaml about o365

    - account_name: mattheus #Do not use email address or spaces
      client_id: "92ded409-9437-418b"
      client_secret: "uA_8Q~WKXD"
      alt_auth_method: False
      enable_update: True
      track_new_calendar: True
        - name: inbox
          max_items: 2
          is_unread: True
          download_attachments: False
        - name: "Example"
          folder: "Inbox/Test_Inbox" #Default is Inbox
          from: "niko@spam"
          subject_contains: "Example subject"
          has_attachment: True
          max_items: 2
          is_unread: True

The only error I found was in the earlier post

Yes i'me having a daily backup

Downgrade town earlier version does not work image

RogerSelwyn commented 2 months ago

That isn't HACS you are using for the downgrade, I posted a link that provided details on how to use it. That looks like you are trying to update HA.

As I asked for before, please post an exact copy of the error on your logs. You have summarised it before, which does not provide what I need.

You said you couldn't find a backup... you can always revert to your backup.

Niko3003 commented 2 months ago

Folder - Inbox - not found from query_sensors config entry - Inbox/Test_Inbox - entity not created 12:36:55 – (FOUT) Office 365 (aangepaste integratie) Is the only thing I found in the logs, I've just restarted ha For some reason it doesn't connect to ms365 anymore image When I'm trying to downgrade through... I see this no way I could select anotherversion then 4.7.1 That is the reason I tried the solution mentioned in thescreen.


RogerSelwyn commented 2 months ago

I assume the error looks like this: 2024-04-16 10:55:26.056 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.o365.coordinator] Folder - Test_Inbox - not found from query_sensors config entry - Inbox/Test_Inbox - entity not created

I would remove the query sensor, since you don't have the relevant folder Inbox/Test_Inbox available. This should not stop the calendar being created.

With regards downgrades, you would need to take this up with HACS. You can try toggling the beta button to see if that will repopulate the dropdown properly.

You have said it doesn't connect to MS365 anymore. In what way do you identify it is not connecting to MS? Is it just the entities show as unavailable? You can try adding debug logging, which will give you some more events in your log to show what updates are being performed.

  default: warning
    custom_components.o365: debug
Niko3003 commented 2 months ago

I don't see any error even with debug on But excluding the query did the trick it's now working fine again I can see the the calendars again Thanks for support
