RogueAmoeba / Soundflower-Original

MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications.
MIT License
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Won't run on OS X El Capitan due to kext signing #39

Open hristost opened 9 years ago

hristost commented 9 years ago

Soundflower won't run under the newest OS X:

Hristos-MacBook-Pro:~ Hristo$ sudo kextutil /System/Library/Extensions/Soundflower.kext
Diagnostics for /System/Library/Extensions/Soundflower.kext:
Code Signing Failure: not code signed
Untrusted kexts are not allowed
ERROR: invalid signature for com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower, will not load

Is there a way we can get around this?

mattingalls commented 8 years ago

the 2.0b soundflower version installs in /Library, NOT /System/Library, so AFAIU this doesn't involve SIP

thescottyq commented 8 years ago

@mattingalls & @dopeyrunr

I too am trying to modify for multiple 2Ch tracks for podcasting and can't as its a signed kext. A there a way around this please?


Thanks so much for your version of Soundflower. It's working great. The only problem I'm having is that in the past I have modified the Info.plist file to add 12 more two-channel audio devices (sample attached below). I just cut and pasted that section, changing the bolded name of the channel each time to Soundflower - A, Soundflower - B etc. screen shot 2015-10-02 at 8 09 10 am However, I am unable to do as I have in the past, which is to copy this Info.plist into the package, run these commands, and use all of those "virtual audio cables."

sudo chown root:wheel /Library/Extensions/Soundflower.kext/Contents/Info.plist sudo chmod 755 /Library/Extensions/Soundflower.kext/Contents/Info.plist sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/Soundflower.kext

I keep getting an error on the last step:

/Library/Extensions/Soundflower.kext failed to load - (libkern/kext) not loadable (reason unspecified); check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).

Any ideas on how to resolve this?

In case you're curious, I use all of the additional 2 channel devices like virtual audio cables to route output from several concurrent instances of Skype into separate tracks of Adobe Audition, create a sort of mix-minus and send combined audio from the other Skypes back to each of those Skype instances. Having all of those extra 2 channel devices means I can easily edit one participant's audio without changing other participants' audio.

Thanks so much for your help!

RalphWick commented 8 years ago

Hi to All,

I followed this video on youtube : , and soundflower started working for me on Mac OS X - EL Capitan, try it out guys.

RalphWick commented 8 years ago

Try it out :, It Started working for me on EL Capitan

jonmrod commented 8 years ago

I got a solution for people trying to have volume control while using two or more output devices: Keep the soundflowerbed app outside the intial folder, run the unistall script and install 2.0b. Works great for me. (OSX El Capitan)

keefla commented 8 years ago

Hey everyone, so if there are any people on this thread that lack that computer whizz gene, I thought I'd share as it hope it might help out someone or at least make you laugh. I too recently downloaded el capitan for my mac and as a result lost my soundflower which I frequently utilized. I was following the directions as several of you posted, downloaded the updated soundflower, ran the uninstall Soundflower.scpt, rebooted and finally installed the soundflower.pkg. Yet, nothing kept happening and after scrolling through the mass posts with others having trouble getting this to work I assumed I was simply downloading it wrong. I thought that the soundflower would show up as an application, so I kept searching for it in my finder application folder. Finally, after three attempts to uninstall reboot and re-download, it clicked! This is not an application as I first assumed. When I finally figured this out, I checked my system preferences sounds and sure enough there it was soundflower both in my input and output settings.

real people problems

jfcostta commented 8 years ago

@mattingalls & @DopeyRunr I've disabled SIP and edited Info.plist but additional channels didn't appear to me. I even reinstalled previous 1.6 version and got the same behavior. In both cases I rebuilt kext cache but still nothing happened. Any clue?

DopeyRunr commented 8 years ago

I have Soundflower.kext (with the edited Info.plist) installed in /System/Library/Extensions - maybe yours is installed in the default /Library/Extensions? Try uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling, rebooting and see if that fixes it?

jfcostta commented 8 years ago

Which version do you have? I've tried both 1.6.6 and 2.0b2 (by default 2.0 installs in /Library/Extensions) and none of them showed me more than the 2ch/64ch regular channels. Right now SIP is disabled too.

DopeyRunr commented 8 years ago


jfcostta commented 8 years ago

Guys, thank you all, it finally worked!! Here are the steps I took:

  1. Uninstall all previous versions;
  2. Install SoundFlower 2.0b2 (by default it'll be copied to /Library/Extensions);
  3. Edit Info.plist and add all channels you need;
  4. Move SoundFlower.kext to /System/Library/Extensions (via sudo to preserve permissions);
  5. Reboot;
  6. Do your mumbo jumbo (I used @LucaTNT trick) and enjoy multi-channel play/recording.

At first try I disabled SIP but after all worked OK I set it back to enabled and kext still loaded fine, so it appears SIP doesn't affect this beta version of SF.

jfcostta commented 8 years ago

OK, a little correction: SIP is in fact required for SoundFlower work with an edited Info.plist. I had to disable kext loading in Recovery mode and after this SF loaded fine, bringing back all the missing channels.

ashzade commented 8 years ago

@jfcostta Can you please provide a bit more detail? I've done your 1-6 steps but it didn't work for me. Is there anything I need to besides that?


jfcostta commented 8 years ago

@ashzadeh, these 6 steps were exactly what I did, in that very strict order. But, note that loading modified kexts (this includes Info.plist) in /System/Library/Extensions requires disabling SIP, otherwise only the two default channels will be added to OSX Audio Interface. Look here for more info: (see 2nd answer, disabling only kext verify)

Luca's TNT trick to add multi channels can be found here:

There's one little utility to remove all previous Soundflower instances, if you need. Google is your friend. Hope that helps you.

ashzade commented 8 years ago

@jfcostta Thanks for the quick reply. Disabling SIP did the trick! Thank you.

Valuecreator commented 8 years ago

Thank you all for your comments. I've learned a great deal from you. I've since stumbled upon a 3 min YouTube video from AK Media titled "Install Soundflower on El Capitan (Easy Way)". Here's the link

For a total newbie like me this was a blessing in disguise and sooo easy to follow. Would highly recommend you view it or, if you're like I was and you're still stumbling about - stumble no more!