Roguelike-Celebration / azure-mud

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Badge/achievement system #591

Closed lazerwalker closed 2 years ago

lazerwalker commented 2 years ago

The goal

In 2020 and 2021, we had an ad-hoc emoji system, special "moderator" tags, and various aesthetic rewards for solving puzzles. In 2022 we will potentially add a "badge" system, where people can unlock certain emoji for doing certain things, and then select which emoji to display by their name. This may unify these previously-disparate systems with a number of benefits:

What concretely is it?

I think this is a few things:

  1. Next to somebody's name, there are 2 slots (1? 3?) for emoji. When an emoji is displayed, mousing over it shows a tooltip indicating its name and/or how to acquire it
  2. You can access a screen for your own emoji/achievements. It shows all possible badges, not just ones you've collected. Mousing over a badge shows how to acquire it (or show that always in a list, whatever makes sense). You can choose which badges are shown next to your name
  3. We have an easy API to specify how certain badges should unlock in response to in-game actions
  4. Badges can be built-in emoji, but we also support our own custom-designed pixel art emoji
  5. The more badges the better. We can offer weird hard-to-get exclusive badges that require effort to obtain and let you show off, but giving people not driven by achievement to express themselves is equally important.

Open Questions

  1. What does the UI look like for selecting your two badges? a. If 0 or 1 badges are selected, clicking a badge selects it. If 2 are selected, you must click a selected badge to unselect it before selecting another one. b. Clicking one of your two slots selects it. Clicking a badge then sets that badge to that slot. c. Current design thought: the ordering of emoji matters and can tell a story. (b) is more complicated than (a) in a way that I don't like, but preserves ordering as an explicit choice. d. Stretch goal: implement drag-and-drop as a optional UI
  2. What are the badges? (See below)
  3. How is the badge menu accessed? a. Gut instinct: if you view/edit your profile, there's a button to access the badge modal. If you click your own badges (or someone else's, maybe?) it opens the badge modal as well

Potential badges

Most of these will be defined as part of quest design. A general heuristic is "more badges is good". While we want some skill-based badges that require you to engage with "game-y" parts of the space, lots of badges useful for personal expression are great.

More general badges that might be good:

Types of quest-based emoji:

lazerwalker commented 2 years ago

WIP To-Do list for v1 implementation: