RohanG326 / supporting_cast

Tri 1: Python and Flask Intro
1 stars 2 forks source link

Week 7 Review Ticket #70

Open bgt072105 opened 2 years ago

sarayu-pr11 commented 2 years ago

Evaluation of Crossover Team PBL key features (0.75/1 the personalized crud was really cool and databases were impressive, but without runtime, it's difficult to tell the operational status) Evaluation of Github Pages, Jekyll, WIKI - focus will be on quality of Vocabulary from Week 6 as key review item (1/1 for vocab linked on wiki, nicely done table with pictures) Evaluation of Sassy / Bootstrap - under the hood on CSS usage and capitalizing on Bootstrap features, as well as runtime quality (0.5/1 Some pages have exceptional backgrounds, however, others seem a little cluttered and overwhelming) Evaluation of Async Operation - runtime and under the hood usage of JavaScript and Fetch, as well as how things are updated on screen (1/1 the crud asynch operation works well and is incorporated nicely into the PBL) Evaluation of CRUD in Database - runtime and behind the scenes using CRUD operations, as well as progress on database personalization (1/1) Extra or Replacement Features

Evaluation of Blueprint illustration/demonstration, effectiveness of removing code out of central and test of routes (1/1 functioning blueprints for all PBL features) Evaluation of Filtering/Searching data, this is Filtering data from Database, this can complement Async operation (1/1 done through the search bar and review database)
