RohitKushvaha01 / Xed-Editor

Advanced Text Editor for android
MIT License
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[Feature Request] VIM Keybinds #12

Closed LovecraftianGodsKiller closed 3 hours ago

LovecraftianGodsKiller commented 2 weeks ago

Like the title says, I would like to be able to use VIM keybinds to edit my text. It's fine if this is implemented as a toggle in the settings, but what's the point of being an advanced and versatile text editor if you can't edit text using the VIM keybinds like a LOT of advanced Linux users do.

RohitKushvaha01 commented 2 weeks ago

Like the title says, I would like to be able to use VIM keybinds to edit my text. It's fine if this is implemented as a toggle in the settings, but what's the point of being an advanced and versatile text editor if you can't edit text using the VIM keybinds like a LOT of advanced Linux users do.

"Vim like keybindings", these are what comes into my mind.

  1. navigate cursor via hjkl
  2. navigate pages via ctrl + d/u or ctrl + f/b
  3. gg to jump to top of the screen, G for the bottom

is this you want to be added?

LovecraftianGodsKiller commented 1 week ago

Any chance all the VIM keybindings could be added? Cuz I use VIM, specifically Neovim, religiously on all my systems.

RohitKushvaha01 commented 1 week ago

Any chance all the VIM keybindings could be added? Cuz I use VIM, specifically Neovim, religiously on all my systems.

I will add above keybinds I am working on a plugin system so it will be easy to add and customise such things