RohitKushvaha01 / Xed-Editor

Advanced Text Editor for android
MIT License
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Open last used folder #14

Closed nuttintoseehere closed 1 week ago

nuttintoseehere commented 1 week ago

Would it be possible to get a toggle for remembering the last used file (or preferably folder) on app launch? This app is also useful for managing simple notes stored in txt files, but having to always navigate to the files i want seems a hassle.

Currently, if i open a folder, all the notes appear correctly in the side drawer but they are forgotten the next time i launch the app.

Also, unless "legacy file browser" is enabled, i get a toast "onitemclick" when selecting a file from the drawer. Running GrapheneOS, based on Android 14. With the legacy browser enabled i can open them, but they are no longer in alphabetical order.

RohitKushvaha01 commented 1 week ago

Would it be possible to get a toggle for remembering the last used file (or preferably folder) on app launch? This app is also useful for managing simple notes stored in txt files, but having to always navigate to the files i want seems a hassle.

Currently, if i open a folder, all the notes appear correctly in the side drawer but they are forgotten the next time i launch the app.

Also, unless "legacy file browser" is enabled, i get a toast "onitemclick" when selecting a file from the drawer. Running GrapheneOS, based on Android 14. With the legacy browser enabled i can open them, but they are no longer in alphabetical order.

I am working on a better way of browsing files and the toast is for debugging purposes and will be removed in next release

currently the new file browser is unstable and buggy so try not to use it for now

I will add file remebering feature in next release