Closed Sogekeeper closed 3 years ago
Hello there. It would be more faster to recognize the problem, if you will send your configuration file.
Hi there, Here you go, my config.yml for SimpleClans
EDIT: Oops, seems like Github doesn't fold code sections, here's a txt file SimpleClans_Config.txt
safe-civilians: false
default-color: '8'
max-length: 5
color: '8'
leader-color: '4'
left: ''
right: ''
min-length: 2
color: '8'
leader-color: '4'
char: ' .'
enable-gui: true
disable-messages: false
tameable-mobs-sharing: false
teleport-blocks: false
teleport-home-on-spawn: false
drop-items-on-clan-home: false
keep-items-on-clan-home: false
item-list: []
show-debug-info: false
enable-auto-groups: true
chat-compatibility-mode: true
rival-limit-percent: 50
use-colorcode-from-prefix-for-name: true
display-chat-tags: true
global-friendly-fire: true
- admin
- staff
- mod
show-unverified-on-list: false
blacklisted-worlds: []
banned-players: []
- vip
- clan
language: en
user-language-selector: true
- '4'
server-name: '&4RecintoDoLordValdemiro'
new-clan-verification-required: true
allow-regroup-command: true
allow-reset-kdr: false
rejoin-cooldown: 25200
rejoin-cooldown-enabled: true
accept-other-alphabets-letters-on-tag: false
ranking-type: DENSE
list-default-order-by: kdr
lore-length: 36
war-enabled: true
land-sharing: true
- WorldGuardProvider
- WorldGuard6Provider
- PlotSquared5Provider
- PlotSquared3Provider
- GriefPreventionProvider
priority: HIGHEST
set-base-only-in-land: false
war-normal-expiration-time: 0
war-disconnect-expiration-time: 5
edit-all-lands: false
only-leaders: true
only-one-per-clan: true
BREAK: true
PLACE: true
DAMAGE: true
request-enabled: true
members-online-max-difference: 5
enable-max-kills: true
max-kills-per-victim: 1
enable-kill-delay: false
delay-between-kills: 5
more: scmore
ally: scally
clan: clan
accept: scaccept
deny: scdeny
global: scglobal
clan_chat: .
force-priority: true
creation-price: 100.0
purchase-clan-create: false
verification-price: 1000.0
purchase-clan-verify: false
invite-price: 20.0
purchase-clan-invite: false
home-teleport-price: 5.0
purchase-home-teleport: false
home-teleport-set-price: 5.0
purchase-home-teleport-set: false
home-regroup-price: 5.0
purchase-home-regroup: false
unique-tax-on-regroup: true
issuer-pays-regroup: true
money-per-kill: false
money-per-kill-kdr-multipier: 10
purchase-reset-kdr: true
reset-kdr-price: 10000.0
purchase-member-fee-set: false
member-fee-set-price: 1000.0
member-fee-enabled: false
member-fee-last-minute-change-interval: 8
max-member-fee: 200.0
upkeep: 200.0
upkeep-enabled: false
multiply-upkeep-by-clan-size: false
charge-upkeep-only-if-member-fee-enabled: true
enable: true
rival: 2.0
civilian: 0.0
neutral: 1.0
ally: -1.0
deny-same-ip-kills: false
homebase-teleport-wait-secs: 10
homebase-can-be-set-only-once: true
min-size-to-set-rival: 3
max-length: 25
max-description-length: 120
min-description-length: 10
max-members: 25
confirmation-for-promote: false
trust-members-by-default: false
confirmation-for-demote: false
percentage-online-to-demote: 100.0
ff-on-by-default: true
min-length: 2
max-alliances: -1
min-size-to-set-ally: 3
min-to-verify: 1
hour: 1
minute: 30
hour: 12
minute: 0
hour: 1
minute: 0
untrusted-color: '8'
clan-name-color: b
subtitle-color: '7'
headings-color: '8'
trusted-color: f
leader-color: '4'
separator: '-'
size: 100
enable: true
tag-based-clan-chat: false
announcement-color: e
format: '&b[%clan%&b] &4<%nick-color%%player%&4> %rank%: &b%message%'
spy-format: '&8[Spy] [&bC&8] <%clean-tag%&8> <%nick-color%*&8%player%>&8 %rank%&8:
rank: '&f[%rank%&f]'
leader-color: '4'
trusted-color: f
member-color: '7'
message-color: b
ask-frequency-secs: 60
max-asks-per-request: 1440
color: e
accent-color: '8'
show-on-login: true
size: 6
login-size: 6
enable: true
format: '&b[Ally Chat] &4<%clan%&4> <%nick-color%%player%&4> %rank%: &b%message%'
spy-format: '&8[Spy] [&cA&8] <%clean-tag%&8> <%nick-color%*&8%player%>&8 %rank%&8:
rank: '&f[%rank%&f]'
leader-color: '4'
trusted-color: f
member-color: '7'
enable: false
discord-format: '%player% » %message%'
format: '&b[&9D&b] &b[%clan%&b] &4<%nick-color%%player%&4> %rank%: &b%message%'
spy-format: '&8[Spy] [&9D&8] <%clean-tag%&8> <%nick-color%*&8%player%>&8 %rank%&8:
rank: '[%rank%]'
leader-role: Leader
leader-color: 231, 76, 60, 100
leader-id: 0
category-format: SC - TextChannels
category-ids: []
whitelist: []
clans-limit: 100
inactive-player-data-days: 30
inactive-clan-days: 7
unverified-clan-days: 2
username: ''
host: localhost
port: 3306
enable: false
password: ''
database: ''
auto-group-groupname: true
- test.permission
save-periodically: true
save-interval: 10
use-threads: true
use-bungeecord: false
Just tested it and the setting is working fine.
Did you get any errors in your console?
Hmmm, actually I do, but it wasn't red so I didn't even notice xD
It says it couldn't find the GriefPrevention provider. Is this something else that is not part of the default GriefPrevention plugin?
Enable debug in SimpleClans config to know the reason.
show-debug-info: true
I have no idea why i'm missing me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.Claim.getOwnerID
Update your GriefPrevention. Your version doesn't support UUID.
Then I think I won't be able to use it since I'm on mc 1.12.2. If I get the latest GriefPrevention jar then the GriefPrevention simply does nothing and whenever I right click anything with any item in my hand I get this error:
GriefPrevention itself also doesn't print anything in the console while using the latest version. It doesn't even generate a folder in the plugins folder. But at least that one's on me.
Downgrade GP to the version for 1.12 and test SimpleClans' latest build.
hm, so 2 things happened, but before anything else, I'm using GP version 16.8 (the latest 1.12 according to Bukkit)
The first thing is this exception
The second thing is that whenever I right anything while holding anything I get "Denied action", but nothing changes ingame, the right click for anything works, creating claims or eating stuff. Then right at the bottom of this image is what was printed when I finally right clicked the second border of the claim to create it.
EDIT: That actually happen when I do anything, breaking blocks or clicking anything with any button
There's something else, this also showed up
"Denied action" is misleading. It actually means SimpleClans didn't intervene in the action.
The real problem is that error: NoClassDefFoundError. It seems your version of GP doesn't have an essential class for blocking land claiming. The event for blocking land claiming was added in this version, but it's for 1.13
Well, RIP me, I just tried 16.9 to see if it works with 1.12 by any chance and it didn't. GP Doesn't work and the error below shows up.
But since that "Denied action" log disappears if I set show-debug-info: false
then I don't think this will be that much of a problem anymore thanks to that other change to how auto-groups work, I can just bind to sc_leader and be happy (I think, haven't tested it yet).
I've also figured it out that if we use /clan lookup [player] we have an easy way to know if someone disbanded their clan to have an impenetrable land.
I've also fixed this error.
Since you found a way with auto-groups, I will be closing this issue (you can re-open if it doesn't work).
I've also figured it out that if we use /clan lookup [player] we have an easy way to know if someone disbanded their clan to have an impenetrable land.
I will see if I can delete claims when a clan is disbanded/someone leaves the clan.
Plugin version: Build #193 (Sat Sep 25 19:27:29 UTC 2021) (Jenkins) Server runs the latest version of Magma for 1.12.2
Server is using enable-auto-groups and auto-group-groupname. Vault, LuckPerms and GriefPrevention are installed.
The following config still has no effect. A player with no clan or any other status other than leader (group sc_untrusted, sc_trusted and default from luckperms) can still use the golden shovel to create GriedPrevention lands.
land-creation: only-leaders: true
I have tried joining the server and using the shovel = The shovel works Tried accepting the invitation to become a member of a clan = The shovel works
If I need to provide any other info please let me know