Roland-J / SmartSkillup

The public release of the SmartSkillup Windower Addon
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I cant get the program to work #8

Open duomaxwell007 opened 1 year ago

duomaxwell007 commented 1 year ago

so when I actually try to use it and set everything then unpause it to see what happens I keep getting

Waiting for following pause events to end: NPC

how do I end that event? I even tried going somewhere where there was no NPC lol and it still happens.

duomaxwell007 commented 1 year ago

so i found the issue. when Im in aht urghan with Sanction up and its refresh effect (i was using that to hopefully help with MP) I get the paused because of NPC message even if there are no NPCS... i went to Bastok with Sanction still on... same problem.... as soon as I switch from Sanction to Signet however it works perfectly with Signet up (and probably without dunno havent tried without) so yeah it looks like something about Sanction is breaking it and needs to be addressed