RolandColored / smartmeter

Gather meter data to analyze resource usage in households
MIT License
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Watermeter #5

Open Garfonso opened 4 years ago

Garfonso commented 4 years ago


I am currently investigating my Gasmeter and how to integrate it and I stumbled upon your repository, because of that.

I have already undergone the journey with my water meter and have a solution that works quite well for me, here is a long thread about it (german, mostly): There are links to different github repositories in there, too.

The solution is not ioBroker specific and should be working in almost any environment (if you get it running, you do a http-request and get the numbers as plain text -> I'm pretty sure you can do that with fhem, too, right? :-) ). It uses a different camera (very cheap) and if you have access to a 3D printer it solves the fixation issue, too. But in every case it is a very good approach to the image processing hell. :-)

RolandColored commented 4 years ago

Wow thank you for your hint. I just picked up the topic up a week ago with my water meter and failed because the journey does not look to be a short one. I also contacted a company which offers a ready-to-use solution to read out utility meters ( and convinced them to give me access to their SDK. Unfortunately it is a closed source SDK targeting smartphone apps.

But I’m glad to hear someone has already solved the problem. I will have a look into this! It may get harder because of the night vision cam which only takes black/white images and the contrast regarding the needles is bad. But it would be already cool to get the numbers read out.